SHERIFF Sick For Weeks and UNABLE To Work or Mow His Lawn

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We found this overgrown lawn with a sheriff's car in the driveway. We knocked on the door and asked if he needed some help. He accepted and we got to work. We have been getting alot of rain and he was unable to work or do anything for weeks because he was sick. The grass was super tall and the backyard hadn't been touched in awhile.

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Before we all jump to conclusions and judge this Sheriff for "years of neglect of his yard" please remember that we don't know what he's been going through in his life. Death of a loved one, illness, mental heath issues can be some of the reasons people let go of everything else so they can focus on themselves. Please be kind, a lot of people are struggling these days and we have no idea why it got to the way it is but luckily there are many people like this man willing to help someone fix that. (without any judgement) Thanks for helping this man out!


Thank you for helping a Sheriff in need. We all should take care of those who have selflessly watched over us and protected us. Prayers and love to this Sheriff.


You are awesome!!!!
We sometimes stick our nose up in the air and judge him. He is a sheriff. His hours are not from 9 to 5. He works hard for his community. It’s very nice for you to give a helping hand. Thank you.
More people need to step up and help our neighbors.


It looks to me that you did work for them that they had not done for themselves in the past. You are a good man.


Wooh, that is way more than a couple weeks growth. Good job helping them out!!


Terrific transformation Brian. You never know what others are dealing with in life. Best not to judge others!


Depending on where you live, and how much rain you get, it doesn't take long for growth to take over. Thank you for helping out law enforcement, most are overworked and underpaid.


I will be 66 next month and I live with my 41 year old son and 20 year old grand son. We have a full acre of land, lots of flowering trees and lots of bushes. We get a lot of rain and everything is overgrown now because of my son and grandson’s work schedule. I have had to ask my neighbor’s grandson to assist me in getting my yard and grass cut.

You did a wonderful job in assisting this officer and his family with their yard. Thank you for making a difference in someone else’s life.


Did you say the Sheriff was sick for weeks or years ?? Lots of hard work in the heat. I know for sure it will look fantastic., after all, you are “TOP NOTCH” !!!


That is the sheriff’s Broken unusable furniture, disgusting mattresses, trash everywhere, broken window, empty utility box, years of overgrowth along fence line, uncut grass, unkept front porch and lawn. In my neighborhood, that would be a squatter’s house. Shame on the sheriff. That is not just weeks of mess!!! And shame on his community for not stepping up and helping him out, if in fact, he really does live there. Top Notch, you really are a professional, compassionate and kind landscaper. You did your best to transform this property. I am sure the neighbors are grateful.


It doesn't matter what profession you are in, some people just do not care what their houses and yards look like. What a shame. You're a good man, Brian, for doing this.


That sheriff had let his yard go longer than a "few weeks." Thank you for doing the work & letting us see another good video from you.


Sorry to hear he was sick for weeks, but the yard looks like it’s been neglected for a few years! Nice job hope he gets better


As a Police Officer, your yard should be one of the nicest in the neighborhood, no excuses. I was one for 27 1/2 years and it was a department policy. There was always another officer willing to help if you couldn't. The back looked like years of neglect, You made a world of


Unbelievable that none of his neighbors helped.
Fantastic that you did Brian ❤ And removing the clippings makes it look even better


The Sheriff must be relieved that all of this was done. Looks fantastic.


Sharon here... lol, I think the Sheriff has not cut the yard in more than three weeks! A lot of trash as well. Good samaritan you are for sure. Bless you Brian and btw, you are doing well on the weight loss program! Another great job! 👍☺❤


My man you needed some help on that lawn. Becareful with the heat. Great work!!!


Beautiful job, Brian! The “Sheriff” needs to get rid of all the junk in his backyard! Old mattresses need to go!


When we do things out of the kindness of our hearts, we get rewarded. Keep doing what you’re doing, your work is appreciated.
