Lacrimosa, but you're entering a dark castle to defeat the old fallen king

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Emotional song written by a dyeing man. Mozart wrote this song but wasn’t finished because when he wrote the first eight-notes he cried. It’s a final message to us and everyone around him before he died


Absolutely beautiful, reminds me so much of Dark Souls


The eerie part about this is the fact that the sky is unable to light up the place, hence making it look so dark and scary


Dark Souls lack of music was always scary. The isolation is almost deafening on it's own. If this piece accompanied you while in Anor Londo it would've been insanely dreadful walking through what once was a utopia.


No matter which rendition, and or arrangement, Mozart’s Lacrimosa is an absolute miracle. Comparatively, it serenades the majesty and absolute supremacy of God, and enforces how insignificant we mortals are!


Walking away after defeating the ruler and everyone bows down to you as you walk up the castle stairs. New rules are set and a god has sat down on his throne.


this is the best edit of this piece so far, underrated asf


Wonderful, purely and simply captivating.


me entering the castle : Why do I hear boss music?


Me and the boys storming Icecrown to defeat the Lich King.


Random person: Go to church!
Me listening to this: I am at church 🧐


Stepping out from the castle, leaving a broken and twisted man defeated, slain by your hand no less, you cant help but wonder.

Did any of this have to happen to begin with?

Sure, the king had become a tyrant, and under his banner the land had become ravaged by war and neglect.

But he hadn't always been that way.

None of them had. They had all had hopes, dreams, desires...

And fears. Was it not, after all, fear that made the old king turn on his own kingdom?

Was it not fear that made you act to destroy him in the first place?

You gaze down at your hand, clutching the crown of the king, hand and crown smeared with the blood of the same man.

Would you, acting in fear, be any better?


Ah yes, my favorite thing to do. I'm glad other find this hobby quite entertaining.🧐🙂


Every time I listen to this absolute miracle of a masterpiece I imagine floating in the incomprehensible vastness of the intergalactic space.


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of The Heavenly Host, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the earth seeking the ruin of souls. Amen


This should have been in elden ring when entering a castle to fight a boss.


This will be my request for 'last song i get to listen to before i die'


“Your Majesty… the red knight has arrived.”

“I know my faithful squire. You have done your job well, go, your duties are relived.”

“But sire, we must-“

“GO! My time draws near Henry, the hour of my fall has come. I usurped my father, and my son had come to do the same to me. Flee this place, and do not return.”

“Yes… my liege.”

On the third day, of the 231st year, of the 11th age, in the kingdom of Haftorm, the Old king was slain by his sons hand. The tyrant was ended, and a age of peace was brought before the people. This peace lasted 1000 years, just as the old witch predicted, 1200 years before the great revolt.


Actual WILD chills, this is soul-filling...

I can already picture the protagonist walking through the silent hallways, as this plays softly in the background, seemingly emanating from the walls, the protagonist walks to a huge oak double-door, he pushes the doors as the music swells, the doors creak open loudly, the music has stopped, the protagonist steps into the dark throne room, lit only by torches and the two glowing red eyes of Demon-king.

This is it, this is what the protagonists life has been leading up to, all his training, all the death and sorrow along the way. Now is his only chance.

He must stop Demon-king and prevent the spread of Hell's grasp.

The protagonist watches as Demon-king stands up from his granite throne, their body glowing softly like hot coals. The protagonist's hand moves to his sheath, he undoes it and pulls out his sword.

Now, or, never.


Millions are chanting your name as you fearfully approach the large man standing at the end of the hallway. He towers over you, tyrancy in his eyes, agility in yours, it's simple to defeat nothing but an old man with a crown. How hard could it be? You withdraw your sword, your blade sharpened and gleaming in the dim sunlight coming from a high window, the king simply smiles as he shakes his head, "No need for a sword, boy." You raise a brow confused? How could this be? Does he not fear of my name to take over his throne? He looks down at you from his highly elevated throne to represent his egotistical mind. "Lo you poor boy, you know not of the times. It is my time to give up" Fearfully, you raise your blade as the old fallen king looks up, a slight tear escaping his eye as he smiles to himself. You quickly draw your blade into the man's heart as he falls, clutching his chest, blood on his hands. Your blade once again gleams in the sunlight, this time, letting out a gold colour as blood fearfully drips from the edge. You've ascended, you've won, but at what cost? The death of a king? You suddenly look down at the allegedly tough indidvual, you stare deep into his eyes. He isn't the king, he isn't the man everybody has grown to hate through his reign. You stare deep into his writhing body, his eyes now a dull brown. He is your friend, you have ascended the throne, at the cost of killing your man, and now that tyrancy has come through you, the king has become just like you. The man you wanted dead is gone, but tyrancy never dies.
