Alena Kostornaia back to Eteri Tutberidze Team - left Evgeni Plushenko

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BREAKING. More drama in russian figure skating , this time Alena wants to go back to her previous coach Eteri Tutberidze is this the best decision for her ? We’ll see .
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Update on the situation: Team Tutberidze will wait two more days to see Alena’s form and to resolve financial issues .


I knew she was going to come back to Eteri Tutberidze it's not a surprise for me.🤭😌😌😌💜


Alena left Eteri partly due to the rigorous training that she was put through, but perhaps it's that rigorous training that made her so great...


“Nicer, better and kinder here...” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 NICE JOKE!


wish there was a single coach in all of russia who actually cared about these girls’ well being and didn’t make them choose between being completely mismanaged or being completely overworked


Love the mishin part in the front HAHA


I think it's not couch's fault, she has been off ice for along time and took long looong rest then pushed her self back to compete .. Its obvious she will not get her self a seat to WC.


Aliona gained weight this season, got through covid and tonsillitis and rested for 2 month while other girls were training. But despite this facts she made 2 hard jump combinations in the second part of the program and didn't fall in FS. She was so concentrated. She is a fighter, she has her own opinion even if it's not right every time. I think she will get her spot in the Olympic team.


I think Aliona made a mistake going to Plushenko's Team.she wasted time.I don't know if Eteri is going to accept her back, but if she does, Aliona will have to work a lot, to try to improve results.


Much time lost now... let's hope the damage done to the regular training process isn't that huge and some of the weaknesses are due to a messy season and COVID, because now Aliona doesn't look like her former self...


Wish she went to Mishin instead. I guess after reading from many sources, Aliona might be better suited with Eteri. That school has strict and rigorous training schedule which I think is really important for Aliona.


Honestly I don’t think the problem is with the coaches I think it’s with aliona, she just recovered from covid and she’s pushing herself so hard . I think if she rests for a bit she is going to return stronger than ever . But anyways I wish her all the best 💗💗.


0:15 Plushenko scratched his eye like realizing they messed up 🍵


She should have gone to Mishin. He does not put up with drama, and she needs a role model like Liza who can show her a career can go way past 17. If longevity is what she wants (cause she will most likely not make the upcoming Olympic team), she should go to Mishin. It would have been an easy move too, as Mishin coached Plushenko and he has great 3A teaching ability. Just my two cents. This now seems 100% doomed to fail for her. RIP.


Liza Tuktamysheva and Anja Sherbakova, both have had similar health issues recently. However, this sad situation must've had to do with the training approach.
Tutberidze has her whole team looking after their figure skaters. The process of training is well-regulated. They have structure. Hrustal'nyj is their home and their family.
At AoP, Kostornaja was left one on one with Rozanov. There was something missing all right!
Also, it does not look like her own parents offered her the right guidance when Aljona really needed it.


this is the best decision she could take


I find it horrible that he decided to leave the team without telling anyone. I also find her decision to go back to Eteri wrong, where all the girls are impersonated by another younger girl when they turn 17 (just the age Alena is right now). But hey, I hope she can recover soon.


Totally is the best decision for her it was on time


I honestly don't think the problem is Covid-19. Anna Shcherbakova gave her the covid and gave her pneumonia, and although the doctors, the association and her coaches told her not to compete, she decided to fight, compete and although she lacked oxygen, although in her training she failed and fell, she came out like a warrior and made us cry by giving it our all on the ice. Aliona did not have the passion, her coach must have strengthened her in 3A which he lost, he must have given her a quad, and the worst thing to whom it occurs to change the programs, that is done at the beginning of the season to improve and not at the end . Everything indicates that Plushenko actually canceled it to benefit Trusova. Being that Plushenko is a winner of the Olympics, he is a professional and he knows what he had to do, he he knows that he should not have changed the programs, he knew what he had to strengthen in Aliona. If he ends up in Google, Plushenko does not appear as coach but Sergei Rozanov. She in her arrogance thought that she could change the coach, she did not realize that she belonged to a team and that she needs Eteri.


Somehow I guess Aliona has some attitude problem as between the 3A she was always little arrogant one. Anna and Sasha seems more humble
