Ganzo G759 Quick Look and Why I'll No Longer Review Ganzo Products

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Todd Knife and Tool


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I love my Ganzo knives. When I started out the thought of spending $50-$150 on a knife was crazy to me. The Ganzo gave me a chance to try different things out at a reasonable price. Over time I then developed the desire to see what the "real thing" was like. I went on to purchase half a dozen or so Spyderco knives I would never have owned but for Ganzo. I like my Delica and my PM2 but it's the Ganzo equivalents that end up in my pockets most days. Regarding the knife at hand, I bought one of each color except black for roughly $33 total--about half the cost of a new Delica. As long as they are putting their own logo on it I'm good. I probably have as big an issue with America makers producing in China but maintaining incredibly high mark-ups. At some point design is a sunk cost. If "X" can produce at the same level and make a profit at $8 why are you ripping me off at a 200% mark-up?


Great review.
It convinced me to buy the Ganzo.
If I can have a delica with 440c for 10 bucks why wouldnt I?
I can have 5 of them for the same price.
All this means is competition. If Ganzo can produce a better Spec knife for cheaper it kinda tells you what spyderco is doing.
You're paying for the name again.
Ganzo all day baby


The CEOs of Benchmade, Spyderco, and Ganzo sit down at a bar. First the Benchmade guy orders, then Spyderco, then the bartender looks over at Ganzo's CEO. He says "I'll have what they're having... in six months"


Ganzo manufactures knives for Boker Plus so how are you gonna say that the steel is softer than Boker when they are exactly the same.


Thank you for your review. I immediately went online and bought 10 different Ganzo's, I love them. With all the $ I save not buying Benchmade's, Spyderco's, etc. anymore, I can buy way more Ganzo's. I buy Ganzo's as Christmas, Birthday's, Mother's Day, Father's Day gifts, etc.. Glad I did not pass on these great knives.


It honestly sounds like Ganzo makes virtually the same exact knives but at a much more "working man's" price. I'm more upset with the bigger brands that overcharge people.


Spyderco tried to defend their Spydiehole. Courts said they could not patent a shape of a hole.

Ganzo stopped calling their locks "axis-lock" (at the request of Benchmade)... they now call it a "G-lock".

Ganzo's 440c has been proven to be good by many many people. Birdshot IV did a side-by-side testing and found it held an edge better than other knives steel.

Again, Ganzo has never tried to say they were a Spyderco, they mark all of their knives and boxes as being a Ganzo. A copy not a ripoff or counterfeit. If you are buying a Ganzo it is because you want a Ganzo, you dont think you are buying a Spyderco or Benchmade.

It is sad you have changed your view of them. You have, in the past, had good things to say about Ganzo... but I guess this was your limit or whatever. The Byrd line from Spyderco is ok, but I dont like the steels they use most of the time. I own a bunch of Spyderco blades (EDC at least 1 all the time), but I would never buy a Benchmade because of the prohibitive costs.

It's funny this year everyone said Benchmade brought their quality up and did better QC checks... and I believe it is because they saw what Ganzo was doing for 1/10th the cost... and realized that they were making mistakes. Ganzo has their place in the lower end market... even if they are direct copy, people dont mind spending $10-$20 for a beater knife that is as well made as what Ganzo seems to produce. I would rather have a Ganzo blade to use & abuse than one of those knives, for about the same price. Also, I would rather use a $20 Ganzo on something that might damage it, rather than risk my $75 Spyderco or $125 Cold Steel.


Your decision to boycott Ganzo is understandable, now if we can only convince Spyderco to bring their prices back down to the troposphere...


Your argument is kind of bogus. You have no problem buying a Byrd knife that costs 3 times as much as the Ganzo, that is made in the same place, with the same materials, that is marked up much more than a USA made Spyderco, but complain about a company that puts their own logo and spin on the Byrd knife for a price that matches the build and materials. You probably have no problem either buying a Delica 4 that, although made in the USA, is overpriced like the Byrd, just because 'Mericans made it. I can get on board with the argument if they were literally stealing the IP of Spyderco and labeling them as Spyderco and are true counterfeits. I would be willing to bet that Spyderco has an agreement with Ganzo that they can sell this knife the way it is, with the majority of them being sold in and to a different market than a Byrd or Spyderco. The smart knife buyer can make their own decisions and your tired "China made sucks" rant is just about making you feel more patriotic while you shop at Walmart for all the junk you need and the soap that obviously doesn't clean your hands that is made in China. I really doubt Spyderco is losing much money on this knife as the buyers of the 2 are in totally different knife buying classes. Also, I can bet you that there are plenty of people that buy the Ganzo to see if a Delica would be worth the money before they spend the $70 for a plastic handled knife that honestly is hard to justify the purchase for the money. You can get a Benchmade mini grip for not much more that is much better than a Delica. When a $10 clone is as close to the quality of a $70 Delica, it speaks loudly of the Delica and its price. I have a first generation Delica that I paid $30 for new that is much closer to what a Delica should be, ala the Byrd. Heck, I can get a G10 Byrd Meadowlark that is sooo similar to my old Spyderco Wegner for like $35 and I can actually take the Byrd apart! What has changed in that time but the greedy American manufacturers and high paid American workers. The labor cost is what makes a USA made Spydie so expensive, not even close to being the quality/cost of materials. The only difference in materials cost is a slightly more expensive blade material.


New to the knife world, I have four Ganzos to help get me started, but thanks for your opinion.


Dude ganzo make byrds what's the issue


Out of the box, my 440C Ganzo 759 actually cuts better than my CPM S30V Spyderco Native 5 🧐 Even so, I love my Native 5 better tho, but I'm not buying a Meadowlark or Delica anytime soon 🤫


I have never been a fan of the Spyderco brand. My brother has had several of them over the past 25 years or so. That’s what made me buy a Ganzo copy of a Spyderco for $14. I simply was not paying what Spyderco wanted. Was not happening! A co worker has a newer model and I am not that jazzed with it. I went on a binge and bought 4 Ganzos on the low to see what the fuss is about. I bought a brand name as well.


Firebird Trans AM vs Chevy one complained they were copies....almost every hunting rifle you can find can be called copies...all my 30.06's look the same from across the room....and the bullets that go in them...every brand makes the same type of bullet with subtle differences....but if the chinese do it with knives...we get bent....I for one think that Ganzo has impacted this knife industry in a postive way towards the consumer end...without companies like Ganzo, Sanrenmu and others...the high/middle end companies like Benchmade can price their over priced knives at any level without worry....Ganzo and these types of companies tend to bring back dollar to value only time that over priced knives will have to compete in the dollar range...and thats good for the consumer...I cant complain about that.


Ganzo model Firebird is a great knife and the price makes it an excellent deal.


Think about this ... Ganzo more copied the meadowlark than the Delica ...
The F759 is my EDC and it is a real workhorse.


The G759 is so close to the Meadowlark that there must be some sort of agreement between Ganzo and Spyderco — otherwise Spyderco would have them in court. I think the G759 is actually a marketing tool for the Byrd line (and probably Spyderco in general). As some other commenters have said, I too purchased several Byrd and Spyderco knives because I was so impressed with the G759.


When a company decides to have their knives made in China, this is what they get. Spyderco may have even had to agree to allow the factory to sell similar knives to get this Chinese factory (essentially owned by the government) to make these knives for Spyderco for cheap, or if not, they knew this could happen. As far as I am concerned, that is on them, not on me. Spyderco could say hey, stop making these ganzo copies of our knives or we will have someone else make these knives - in other words, it is up to Spyderco to protect their designs if they want. When you buy a ganzo, I suspect you are buying directly from the supplier, rather than going through a middleman like Spyderco. You could buy a ganzo and send a check for 50 bucks to Spyderco if it makes you feel better.


Tests out there that show Ganzos 440c perform very well so the title of your video should be I’m bitching about a $10 product and assuming and not testing them


I live in uk.ganzo charges me seven pounds delivered.spyderco that comes from same place they charge me thirty pounds.this wont make any difference to lost one sub.atb paddy.
