The Story of Harut and Marut | What the Quran Means | Commentary on Quran 2:102
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In this video of the what the Quran means, we go through the story of Harut and Marut found in chapter 2:102, and try to discover what is the purpose of the story and how we can understand. Watch till the end to get a full understanding of the verse.
Some of the questions that will be answered in the video will include: who is Harut and Marut: What did they teach to the people: Did they teach people magic: What is the nature of magic in the Quran: Did Solomon sin: Did Solomon know magic: What is Kufr: Is magic haram: and many others.
The verse reads as follows:
وَٱتَّبَعُواْ مَا تَتۡلُواْ ٱلشَّيَٰطِينُ عَلَىٰ مُلۡكِ سُلَيۡمَٰنَۖ وَمَا كَفَرَ سُلَيۡمَٰنُ وَلَٰكِنَّ ٱلشَّيَٰطِينَ كَفَرُواْ يُعَلِّمُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ ٱلسِّحۡرَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ عَلَى ٱلۡمَلَكَيۡنِ بِبَابِلَ هَٰرُوتَ وَمَٰرُوتَۚ وَمَا يُعَلِّمَانِ مِنۡ أَحَدٍ حَتَّىٰ يَقُولَآ إِنَّمَا نَحۡنُ فِتۡنَةٞ فَلَا تَكۡفُرۡۖ فَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مِنۡهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُونَ بِهِۦ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡمَرۡءِ وَزَوۡجِهِۦۚ وَمَا هُم بِضَآرِّينَ بِهِۦ مِنۡ أَحَدٍ إِلَّا بِإِذۡنِ ٱللَّهِۚ وَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمۡ وَلَا يَنفَعُهُمۡۚ وَلَقَدۡ عَلِمُواْ لَمَنِ ٱشۡتَرَىٰهُ مَا لَهُۥ فِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ مِنۡ خَلَٰقٖۚ وَلَبِئۡسَ مَا شَرَوۡاْ بِهِۦٓ أَنفُسَهُمۡۚ لَوۡ كَانُواْ يَعۡلَمُونَ ١٠٢
(102) And [as a substitute], they followed what the devils recited out against the reign of Solomon; but Solomon did not act unethically, whereas the devils acted unethically: teaching people occultic worship and that which had been sent down upon the two angels at Babel, Haroot and Maroot. But the both of them did not teach it to anyone until after they had said: “We are merely a temptation, so do not act unethically.” But the [people] learned from the both of them that which they could use to cause separation between an individual and their spouse; though they could not do any harm to anyone, except by the permission of God. They learned that which caused them harm and did not benefit them; and they certainly did in fact know that the one who purchased it would not have any share in the Hereafter. Terrible indeed is that which they traded their souls for, if only they had known [better].
Some of the questions that will be answered in the video will include: who is Harut and Marut: What did they teach to the people: Did they teach people magic: What is the nature of magic in the Quran: Did Solomon sin: Did Solomon know magic: What is Kufr: Is magic haram: and many others.
The verse reads as follows:
وَٱتَّبَعُواْ مَا تَتۡلُواْ ٱلشَّيَٰطِينُ عَلَىٰ مُلۡكِ سُلَيۡمَٰنَۖ وَمَا كَفَرَ سُلَيۡمَٰنُ وَلَٰكِنَّ ٱلشَّيَٰطِينَ كَفَرُواْ يُعَلِّمُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ ٱلسِّحۡرَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ عَلَى ٱلۡمَلَكَيۡنِ بِبَابِلَ هَٰرُوتَ وَمَٰرُوتَۚ وَمَا يُعَلِّمَانِ مِنۡ أَحَدٍ حَتَّىٰ يَقُولَآ إِنَّمَا نَحۡنُ فِتۡنَةٞ فَلَا تَكۡفُرۡۖ فَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مِنۡهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُونَ بِهِۦ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡمَرۡءِ وَزَوۡجِهِۦۚ وَمَا هُم بِضَآرِّينَ بِهِۦ مِنۡ أَحَدٍ إِلَّا بِإِذۡنِ ٱللَّهِۚ وَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمۡ وَلَا يَنفَعُهُمۡۚ وَلَقَدۡ عَلِمُواْ لَمَنِ ٱشۡتَرَىٰهُ مَا لَهُۥ فِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ مِنۡ خَلَٰقٖۚ وَلَبِئۡسَ مَا شَرَوۡاْ بِهِۦٓ أَنفُسَهُمۡۚ لَوۡ كَانُواْ يَعۡلَمُونَ ١٠٢
(102) And [as a substitute], they followed what the devils recited out against the reign of Solomon; but Solomon did not act unethically, whereas the devils acted unethically: teaching people occultic worship and that which had been sent down upon the two angels at Babel, Haroot and Maroot. But the both of them did not teach it to anyone until after they had said: “We are merely a temptation, so do not act unethically.” But the [people] learned from the both of them that which they could use to cause separation between an individual and their spouse; though they could not do any harm to anyone, except by the permission of God. They learned that which caused them harm and did not benefit them; and they certainly did in fact know that the one who purchased it would not have any share in the Hereafter. Terrible indeed is that which they traded their souls for, if only they had known [better].