Be Not Afraid | Bob Dufford | Choir with Lyrics | Catholic Hymn | Sunday 7pm Choir

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"You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst." The lyrics and music of 'Be Not Afraid' have provided comfort, hope and peace to millions as they face hardship and loss throughout life.

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! 🙏

Song Title: Be Not Afraid
Artist(s): Bob Dufford, SJ
Publisher: ©1974, 1978 Robert J. Dufford, SJ and OCP


You shall cross the barren desert.
but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety
though you do not know the way.
You shall speak your words in foreign lands
and all will understand.
You shall see the face of God and live.

Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come, follow me and I will give you rest.

If you pass through raging waters
in the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amid the burning flames,
you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow'r of hell
and death is at your side.
Know that I am with you through it all.

Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come, follow me and I will give you rest.

Photo & Video Credits

Yellow desert - Video by Александр Копейкин from Pixabay
Desert with shrubs - Video by Amir Irani from Pixabay
Chinese marketplace - Video by Steven HAuse from Pexels
Ladder and sun - Video by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay
Jesus in clouds - Video by RaptureRussell from Pixabay
Stormy sea - Video by Peggy Johnson Philip Waikoloa from Pexels
Jesus statue - Photo by Arturo Rey on Unsplash

-It was 1972, and Dufford was not a “Father” yet. He was on a Jesuit retreat, preparing to be ordained and grappling with anxiety about his future: Where would he go? What sort of work would he do as a priest? Would he be any good at it? His spiritual director suggested that he pray with the Annunciation in mind. Perhaps he could relate to Mary, who was “greatly troubled” when the angel appeared to her and said she would give birth to the Messiah. Dufford read the passage, and the angel’s words stuck with him: “Do not be afraid.” The line “Be Not Afraid” came to Father Dufford on that retreat, with the same melody it has today.

-A few weeks later, a friend, Medical Mission Sister Therese Connolly, told Father Dufford she would be leaving to do missionary work in Ghana. Hoping to finish the song before she left, he started reflecting on the end of Matthew’s Gospel, when Jesus says “I am with you always.” That inspired a second line, “I go before you always,” but he would not finish the song for another year.

-“Come, follow me,” came from another Father Dufford song. He sang a bit of it in a phone interview with America: “It was ‘Come, follow me, I will make you fishers of men,’ and I knew that was not going anywhere. It was a dumb melody, but I had the ‘Come, follow me.’ I kinda liked that part.” So he added it to his new song, and wrapped up the chorus with “And I will give you rest.”

-In autumn 1973, the verses came to him, fully formed. The next spring Father Dufford played the song at a liturgical music workshop that his friend, fellow Jesuit songwriter John Foley (composer of “One Bread, One Body” and several other popular folk-inspired hymns), attended. “Foley came to me and said, ‘You know, Duff, I think this is going to be a really important song.’ I said, ‘Yeah, right,’” Dufford recalled. “[“Be Not Afraid’] always seemed like an ugly duckling…. I cobbled it together.”

-The song was published and distributed in 1975, and Father Dufford doesn’t remember an immediate response, but eventually he started receiving letters. One woman wrote to him about her husband who was an alcoholic. The family would pray a Rosary for him every day and sing “Be Not Afraid,” and the man finally joined Alcoholics Anonymous. Another woman, an Anabaptist, heard the song at her husband’s funeral and said it carried her through her grief. “These stories come back and I go, ‘Oh,’” Father Dufford said, with a hint of awe in his voice. “It’s just amazing. It’s a privilege to have been a part of making it.”

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Thanks for watching the video Be Not Afraid | Bob Dufford | Catholic Hymn | Song of Hope & Consolation | Sunday 7pm Choir
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When I was a small child, we were very poor. My mother had my brother and myself alone after my dad left. She was a Catholic school teacher. Apparently, one of the priests that had worked with her at the school became aware of her difficult situation to provide food for us. I remember going to the church, and Father Skotek had all this food that he gave to us. On the way home, I asked my mom, "Do you think Father Skotek will go to Heaven?". The next day, he died of a heart attack. He was only in his 40s. I went to his funeral at his parish church. Be Not Afraid was his favorite hymn. It was played during his viewing in the church. I, and everyone else could not hold back tears. I was only 8, but i still remember him, the funeral, and the hymn. He was a very kind priest, and I pray he is in Heaven. Even now, this hymn and its promises of the Lord's protection after death makes me cry tears of joy. I'm 45 now and have stage 4 cancer. Hopefully I will see Father Skotek soon, and thank him for being such a kind man and helping us when we were so poor and unable to afford food.


We sang this 34 years ago at my eldest daughter 's funeral . The pain never passes. Her three children and husband are coming for Christmas


My beautiful mother passed two days ago and asked for this to be played at her service. She was the kindest person I have ever known. I have never felt this much pain, but reading all these comments has made me realize how very much we need to help one another through this life and forget all of this stuff that just doesn't matter.


My grandma was buried today and they played this song at her funeral. I miss her so much. I love you grandma. I cant imagine how tired you must be after all you did for everybody else. May you Rest In Peace.


Sung at my wife's funeral 22 years ago. Still makes me tear up.


My mom passed September 28th 2023. My sister in law sang this at her funeral mass. I really hope the Good Lord is taking care of my mommy even after her death. My heart is broken in a million pieces. I'm completely lost without her. My brother her 5th son passed September 16th, twelve days before her. Love on your people today because tomorrow may be too late. Forever in my heart mommy and Thomas ❤


Haven't been a practicing Christian for decades....
for some reason I keep coming back to this hymn, and I tear up.


This hymn helped me keep my faith and helped me maintain a deep and abiding peace through terrifying domestic abuse. I sang it to myself to find peace and strength until I could get out!


I've asked my family to sing this at my graveside. I haven't told them it's actually for them that I want this particular song sung.


I just found out this is a funeral song. I love its "trust the lord, you're not alone" message, especially for anxiety and difficult days. I didn't realize it has a funeral vibe


Fór Our Beloved Eucraine Blessing and Prayers to the President and his family God Be With You


Please dear Lord be with my son and his family


This was played for the mass during my father's funeral. Beautiful song miss him everyday.


7:01PM, 11/14/2024, 2nd Thursday of November 2024, special intention of NDD Batch '71. Thank you so very respectfully. ❤️‍🔥🤲


My mom included this song in her wedding mass. I know it’s a staple for Catholic funerals but she was afraid. Now 42 years, 4 children and 4 grandchildren later I would say that she had no reason to be afraid 😊


My prayer is that you find much comfort in the Lord especially at this time and it pleases me that you find great comfort in the hymn be not afraid Jesus is always reaching out to us in love.


First time I’ve heard this in a long time. Got a Uber Eats run while waiting. God led me to this song


This pulls at my heart!! 😢😢❤. God Bless Everyone especially during these tumultuous times.❤️🙏🏽❤


This song played, when i attend mass, after my 10 yrs relationship off😢😢 BE NOT AFRAID
