Detection of DoS Attacks towards Wi-Fi using Python (Scapy ) on a Raspberry Pi 4

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This project aims at building a lightweight intrusion detection system for smart environments such as smart homes and offices. This project doesn't involve any machine learning techniques. The entire detection procedure is signature based , which means we have relied on various parameters such as number of deauthentication and disassociation frames , number of frames after deauthentication , reason code of frames etc. The system we developed is effective against deauthentication and disasssociation attacks which are the most common DoS attacks. The cost and technical overhead involved is however,minimal. Wireshark tool proved handy in our demonstration .Kali Linux, Raspberry Pi OS were used and as for the IDE ,we relied on Pycharm.

#kalilinux #pycharm #raspberrypi #python #finalyearprojects #wirelesssecurity #intrusiondetection #btechprojects #engineering
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