JavaScript Booleans@arvindprogramming
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JavaScript Booleans @arvindprogramming
JavaScript Boolean is a data type that can have one of two values: true or false. It is used to represent logical values and is often used in conditional statements and loops to control the flow of a program. Boolean values are commonly used to check conditions and make decisions in JavaScript programming.
We can compare JavaScript boolean values with Boolean objects. JavaScript will automatically convert the Boolean object to a Boolean value before performing the comparison. For example:
var boolValue = true;
var boolObject = new Boolean(true);
In the above example, the `==` operator compares the boolean value `true` with the boolean value derived from the Boolean object `true`, and returns `true`. However, the `===` operator performs a strict comparison and checks both the value and type, so it returns `false` because the types are different.
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JavaScript Boolean is a data type that can have one of two values: true or false. It is used to represent logical values and is often used in conditional statements and loops to control the flow of a program. Boolean values are commonly used to check conditions and make decisions in JavaScript programming.
We can compare JavaScript boolean values with Boolean objects. JavaScript will automatically convert the Boolean object to a Boolean value before performing the comparison. For example:
var boolValue = true;
var boolObject = new Boolean(true);
In the above example, the `==` operator compares the boolean value `true` with the boolean value derived from the Boolean object `true`, and returns `true`. However, the `===` operator performs a strict comparison and checks both the value and type, so it returns `false` because the types are different.
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