Does Banjo-Kazooie Still Hold Up? - RETRO REVIEW

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Banjo-Kazooie is now on Nintendo Switch, but does it still hold up? Find out in our retro review that covers the graphics, gameplay, N64 & Xbox differences, comparisons to 3D Mario, how well it's aged, and whether it's worth buying the NSO Expansion Pack for! All this and more in our in-depth review of Banjo-Kazooie for Nintendo Switch, N64, and Xbox!

Note: Most gameplay captured on Xbox Series X.

0:00 History of Banjo-Kazooie
1:07 Banjo-Kazooie Overview
1:42 Sound Design
2:43 Level Design + Exploration
3:21 Mumbo Jumbo Transformations
3:58 Metroidvania?
4:38 Annoying Level Design Issues
5:03 Is Banjo-Kazooie a Collectathon?
5:39 The "Note" Problem & Xbox Fix
6:10 Graphics Are Nice
6:40 Gruntilda's Rhyme Time
7:34 Vs. Mario 64
8:26 Verdict
Video by: Andre
Thumbnail by: Tom
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Some people say it’s just nostalgia, but this is genuinely on of the best games ever made. I played it for the first time in 2017 when I got my N64 and it immediately became my favorite game


One of my favorite games. I was so sad when I finally beat it and I was "done". There was a lot of hype about "Banjo Tooie" secrets in the game and I called the Nintendo Call Center (it was a thing) and asked if I had really beat the game or was there a "Banjo Tooie" in the game. The rep told me "Yay! No, you beat I started crying. My little kid self didn't want the Banjo adventure to end. I can't wait to play it on Switch with the N64 controller.


Out of all N64 games banjo actually aged the best imo. Some N64 games didnt age well but banjo still holds up prety well.


I prefer banjo over mario 64 because it has more charm and personality. I like mario 64 dont get me wrong but I still prefer banjo.


I think the fairy tale aesthetic helps it hold up visually...there are lots of bright colors and creatures with exaggerated proportions, and it's not aiming for realism, so the low polygon count is easier to swallow.

Gameplay-wise, things feel very precise and "controlled, " especially compared to SM64. This has the cost of the actual moment-to-moment platforming feeling slower and less exciting, but it also feels like it's much easier for someone unfamiliar with the physics to move exactly how they want to move, because most actions have very defined starting and stopping points, regardless of momentum. This even extends to both games' version of flight and SM64's more wild and reckless shell surfing compared to BK's fast, but instantly stoppable Turbo Talon Trot.

The music and sound design are honestly impressive even to this day. The way music will change instrumentation or shift seamlessly into a variant depending on your location does so much for defining even individual regions within each world. Meanwhile, there are unique sounds for footfalls on different types of surfaces, and very clear, defined impact sounds for landing hits on enemies.

The Lair is one of the greatest hub areas in gaming. "Hub" is probably a bit of a misnomer, since there's a lot of forward progression through's not really a center area with all of the worlds spoking off from it. And I can see that being arguably a could say that you should be able to conveniently access any world from a hub, and that's not the case with the Lair. But the Lair just oozes with character and atmosphere. The walls have different textures to reflect the area you're in (seriously, this game's work with surface textures, or at least the illusion of texture, is above and beyond what anyone would expect from the 64), there's the ever-morphing main theme, all the twisted artwork and architecture with shifting proportions, and Grunty taunting you throughout. It gives the game so much life.

The game's funny. I think its writing helps it stand out among the glut of late '90s 3D platformers. It's charming and witty, and has some entertaining characters.

The "collectathon" is a divisive genre, but BK is just paced so perfectly. I'm of the camp that actually prefers Tooie and thinks its ambition was well-realized, but there's no denying that BK is an extremely tight, satisfying experience.


When I was a kid, after I was given an N64, I was visiting a friend; who just so happened to have several duplicate N64 games. Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, I think GoldenEye, and some others. And he offered to give some them to me. One of those titles was Banjo- Kazooie. I knew nothing about it, and I remember when I asked him, he responded, "it kind of sucks, I don't like it." And I took his word for it.
So I never played Banjo until finally about a year ago. MAN OH MAN did I miss out. That game would've been a childhood staple of mine for sure.


The two original 64 games will forever be timeless classics and untouchable for generations for people who played them originally and to those who are playing them for the first time


Banjo Kazooie is great, but I will always like Banjo Tooie more. I hope it makes an appearance on NSO.


I recently replayed it myself on Game Pass, and I definitely agree with what you said here. It's held up incredibly well.


Im only 16 and this is one of my favorite games of all time


Still blows me away how good the Banjo games look to this day. Rare really dominated on the N64!


I've been unofficially running this game for years now. My current best time is 4:18:57, can't wait to see if I can beat that on the Switch.


If you’re a Nintendo fan. You have to experience Banjo-Kazooie! Shame it’s with Microsoft but they’ve been very generous to bring it to Switch. Giving the newcomers an opportunity to play through what use to be Nintendo’s front row all stars back in the day with Mario & Link


I only really ever played banjo tooie, so excited to finally play the classic of the classic


This is one of my favorite childhood games ever. This and Mario 64 I played over and over and over as a kid. I hope they bring Tooie over too


ofc it stands up i discovered this game back in 2020 and i felt nostalgia even if i never played it before its really one of the best games ever made, its pretty much perfection and u cant call urself a gamer without playing this! i hope we see more of the bird and the bear!


I’m about 65% done or so!! I’ve been having a blast!

Update: Jus beat it!! Got 94 jiggies, and 855 notes! Such an amazing 3D platformer… Now please add the


Genuinely one of the finest pieces of playable media ever crafted. To this day, the game still holds a significant challenge. Its musical themes, characters, and levels are scorched into the mind of millions of gamers. Its not possible to rate this game on a scale, its just the best gaming has to offer. Banjo, Ocarina of Time, and Mario 64 are the triforce of gaming, with Majoras Mask taking the open spot in the middle.


One of the best n64 games. Thanks for reviewing it bro. Excellent review


Never played this game. I’m gonna try it for the first time on the Switch Online!
