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Howdy ya’ll. Today we will dive into some more Tartarian Theory, focusing on the origin of the Bavarians, focusing on remarkable Bavarian architecture, and the Bavarian relation to the Avars. Again, this is all just a theory proposed in 2000, but worth entertaining.

We will also look to tie together the origins of the Huns and the Khazars, and beyond the Khazars to the Golden Horde which shaped the landscape once called Tartaria. Our video today will make reference to an article in “The Eurasian Politician” of October, 2000. Please check out my other videos on Tartary linked below for more theories and photographs.

Other videos of mine related to Tartary;

Topics discussed today;

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The Khazars who moved north invaded Poland and were referred to as the Bolsheviks. It is this group, largely comprised of Jews, who made war against Russia, that nation who had expelled them from Khazaria. After much terrorism, insighting of locals to war against their rulers, and assassinations, they were finally able to topple the Russian government and employ communism as a means to control the people. Those who resisted -- and even those who didn't, like with the Holodomor in Ukraine -- were eliminated.


My theory edited by chat

Is that many Germanic tribes originated from the Polish region, which later became Khazaria. These tribes infiltrated Rome, adopting its practices, and later evolved into Khazars, absorbing groups like the Huns, Scythians, and Alans. Khazaria's conversion to Judaism intertwined them with Ashkenazi Jews. The prevalence of Rh-negative blood among these groups suggests an ancient, hidden power structure. Ashkenazi and Rhineland/Khazarian Jews are believed to have exerted significant influence, ruling the world through covert means, supported by genetic and historical ties.

### Historical Context and Influences:

1. **Pre-World War II Coincidences**:
- **Khazarians and Byzantine Empire**: Khazarians played a role in the downfall of the Byzantine Empire, establishing their influence in Eastern Europe.
- **Holy Roman Empire Alliances**: The Holy Roman Empire formed alliances with Khazaria against the Islamic expansion, strengthening their power and influence.
- **Alliances with Visigoths**: Khazarians made strategic alliances with the Visigoths, integrating Germanic tribes and extending their influence over the remnants of the fallen Western Roman Empire.
- **Habsburgs and Banking Dynasties**: The Habsburgs, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire, forged connections with emerging banking dynasties, intertwining financial power with political authority.

2. **World War I and Interwar Period**:
- **Balfour Declaration**: The Balfour Declaration of 1917, supported by British interests, promised a Jewish homeland in Palestine, influenced by Jewish elites who saw the opportunity for geopolitical leverage.
- **Economic Manipulation**: German-Jewish bankers, such as the Rothschilds, played a significant role in shaping global financial systems, further consolidating Jewish influence.

3. **Post-World War II Developments**:
- **Zionist Movement and Establishment of Israel**: The establishment of Israel in 1948, following the Holocaust, was heavily supported by Western powers, highlighting the continued influence of Jewish elites in global politics.
- **Operation Paperclip and Gladio**: The integration of former Nazis into U.S. and NATO operations, including covert activities like Operation Gladio, showcased the ongoing manipulation and control exerted by elite networks.
- **CIA and Covert Operations**: Operations like MK-Ultra exemplify the extent of manipulation and control exerted by intelligence agencies influenced by these elite groups.

### Modern Influence and Control:
- **Ashkenazi Influence in Israel**: A significant proportion of Israelis are of Polish and Ashkenazi descent, reflecting the historical migrations and the strategic establishment of Israel.
- **Global Elite**: An interconnected network of elites from Germanic, Khazarian, and Jewish backgrounds continues to maintain power through covert and overt means, influencing global finance, politics, and media.

### Connecting the Dots:
The theory integrates historical events, genetic evidence, and geopolitical strategies to propose that a hidden elite, originating from Germanic and Khazarian lineages, has exerted significant control over global affairs. This elite has shaped modern history through strategic alliances, financial manipulation, and covert operations, maintaining a hidden influence that spans centuries. This framework connects the influence of the Holy Roman Empire, the Khazarians, and modern Ashkenazi Jews, illustrating a continuous thread of power and control.


My parents were WWII refugees from Lithuania and I was raised in that culture here in the States. I do not believe we will ever know the true history of ancient Europe because of all of the armed conflicts in centuries past and the victors write the history which is heavily biased including Lithuanian history. That said, the Lithuanian language is one of the worlds oldest languages still spoken conversationally. Tracing languages may be the best path to make sense of it all. Great presentation Sir Jarid.


What you’re saying has been known. Khazars have always been known as slave traders.


The etymology of the word "slav." The word "slav" or more accurately "slavan" comes from the Russian word "slava" which means "glory." More specifically "glory" to God. Slavani or western "slav" is a reference to religious Rus Christians, not slaves. That the word slav comes from slaves is jewish western propaganda. The Khazars were thieves and murderers who killed traders then stole their identities. Rus' slavic people put them in their place. They crushed them.


Jewish migration into Europe was in the 12th century. It wasn't long into that migration that European children started to go missing. Finally a famous wealthy persons child went missing and he wanted something done about it so it was a huge case and trial in 1144 that the Jews were behind the missing children and were tried and convicted of those crimes.


I only recently realized Ukraine is in the same geographic area as khazaria


A few months ago V.Putin declared he was going to publish the russian archives about Tartaria and what happened to the Tatarians,
I don't know if he did or not, I did not see any of it if he did it.


Khazars converted to Talmudic, Pharisee Judaism because they felt they had been abandoned by their ancestral deities, given their brethren Gok-turk empires went under and the capital sank into the Caspian Sea. They needed a new, evil deity who would help them in their quest for world dominance.


I too am fascinated with the history of the khazars and am grateful for this new info linking the Avars to Bavaria. Thanks Jarid. Keep the videos coming!


I can hear the excitement in your voice brother. You broke it open my man, well done Sir


I studied this little blurb in history for several years back in the 90s, the Internet just coming out and ran into a great piece on these people. The Eastern European Jewish tribes. They're probably related to the Khan for sure as their history going back to before the time of Jesus was one of terror and plunder, along with their so called devil worship and all sorts of heathenism. In fact, this piece I read talked about these people and their blood line was the favorite of the god Enlil, so now we're going clear back to Sumer. They were supposed to be the race that was forced to take up either Christianity or Judaic beliefs. Taking the latter of the 2 for reasons of self preservation. " God's chosen few " which by today has snowballed into all sorts of semitic garbage. My point is exactly what I found in my research, it's ALL a Lie. They are not Jewish and I believe recently they admitted they were not Jewish. There is a good reason why they have been kicked out of every country they ever set foot in.
Germany had good reason for wanting their hides. They destroyed their economy more than once.


Hay Jarid, youve been busy lately! Great work, and keep 'em comin'! Be well, be safe...


Voltaire, the French author, spoke quite a lot about Tartarians!
'Kon' is Tamil for 'King', as in Therai Kon (Dragon), 'The King of the Land/Earth'.


Always interesting images and info. Back ground music works so well with this content. Good comments too.


A few years ago, a DNA study was published showing that the Ashkenazi jews are descendents of the khazars. I'm sure you can find it with a quick search. And for the Sephardic jews, a new study allegedly shows their DNA coming from the area of Italy(but I have not read this one yet). Hope this helps!


My grandmother on my American side was half Greek half Bavarian. My grandmother on my Persian side was Getae, which was a Thracian tribe. My grandfather on my Persian side carried the title of Khan and they called him the Mongol at the Main Bazaar in Tehran. I'm in Bulgaria now which is Slavic, with a Thracian heritage so being half Persian and German/English I kind of fit in!


"Slav" means "celebrational" and the origin of the word is much older than the English language. Therefore, the origin of the name shall be analyzed from the perspective before English. It is a common problem today to explain events from the anglo point of view.


The common mistake made is to assume that all people who came out of ancient Israel were Jews. There were 11 other tribes. The so called 10 lost tribes were likely sold into slavery by the Jews and made up most of the peoples such as the Huns, Avars, Slavs and Germans. The Jews continued to seek control over them and succeeded several times. This is evidenced by the successive waves of eastern hordes trying to take over the west. It’s still happening today. If it’s not by military hordes, it’s by infiltration and manipulation. Mostly economic manipulation.


Please. You said - `SLAV MEANS SLAVE'. No. SLAV means GLORY.
SLAVA BOGU - `GLORY TO GOD'. SLOVO means `Word/Language'. `SLOVENI' - `Those who speak Slavic' i.e. the country of SLOVENIA. Over 900 years Khazars and Turks were ruthless slavers. They took MILLIONS OF SLAVS AS SLAVES. This is the connection.
