The BIG Money ESB @drdainheer

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“Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that there is nothing wrong with us and we actually are abundant creatures, living in an abundant world of our creation.” Dr Dain Heer

There is this thing in the world and our lives that seems to invite as much significance as avoidance … MONEY.

What can we change, together, to make money NOT the relevance that it has been for so long but the possibility that it CAN be in the world?!

Join me, Dr. Dain Heer, for A BIG MONEY ESB...for you, for us, and for our world.

ESB, developed by me, is a unique way of transforming limitations into possibilities for you, the world, and the planet.

What if you didn’t have to separate from anyone or anything, including you? What if you could have it all, and all of you, starting now?

You and your body will be introduced to a level of being and energetic awareness that goes beyond everything you’ve experienced before.

This, my friend, is where the choice to be the miracle you are, begins.

Are you ready to be that different?

🌳The Access Clearing Statement

💆🏼‍♀️Get Your Bars Run & Get yourself to an Access Bars & Foundation Class

1. Write down a list of all the energetic resources, all the things that make you feel more like you
2. Write down: Where do I need to put my attention to create the future I desire?
3. Every day, ask yourself:
What can I be and choose that will create what I truly desire?
If I were truly creating my life today what would I choose right away
If money were not the issue, what would I choose here?

Recommended Books:
Being You, Changing the World
How to Become Money Workbook
Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are
Magic You Are It, Be It!
Right Riches for You

You Got This!
Waking Up Miraculously- Free Gift

@drdainheer @accessconsciousness

Find more tools you can use to create a more conscious life by subscribing to this channel!

For more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website:

I share free tools and tips almost every day on my social accounts:

My target is to change the world with consciousness – are you with me?

If you see something that inspires you, I’d love for you to give it wings by liking or sharing it – this helps make my content more visible and introduces new people to tools that could change their lives.

Grateful for you!
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Dain I just want you to know that even though I’m sure you have some idea, you have no idea how much this money ESB has contributed to my finances. Thank you is not enough. I’m gonna give you some money real soon. Lol😂😂❤🎉 Love you Dain!!😊❤


Hi Dain! Listening to this again and everything changes yet again. I perceive all ESBs past present and future contributing in ways that I can’t fathom I just know that they do. Thank you for such a phenomenal gift 🎁 Grateful. How does it get any better and easier than this and what else is truly possible now?🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


❤Thank you for sticking around & doing the work to expand consciousness, Dain! The “back doors “ you noticed are additional access points you gain awareness of through opening the energetic layers we are woven through as energetic beings. Since you ‘ping’ the layers with the clearing statement so frequently with your individuated frequency you get to slip through and un-do knots, tangles etc.,


Thank you universe....Thank you for opening the door for me and my family..thank you Dr dain ....for the wonderful gift given to us when i stuck in life, when we struggle to find a way out.Once again Thank you so much ❤


The more I listen to the ESB the more I can easefully surf all these energies known and unknown to create miraculousness. Choosing more with money and finance. Choosing beyond this realities' relationship paradigm. So grateful for consciousness all of it. And how much better can it get???


Yes to all clearings, yes to all ESB energy. I accept it all. Thank you❤


My request is for abundance of money for instant use for the benefit of myself and others.
Money wants me. Money needs my heart, thought and hands to be of use ❤❤❤


Choosing to finish writing my book and publishing it within 4 months. And choosing my book becoming bestseller worldwide in 2024. Nailutshim naivishsim, nailyogkim obrazom❤🙏.


Number 5 to listen every time I listen 🎧 it’s change something


Thank u so much Dain for this amazing Big Money ESB Love u always❤


Thank you so much Dain ❤
Magic Money Love Grace & Joy Universe


Infinite gratitude !! Thank you very much for this lovely, superphenomenal gift !!


All good things come to me with ease, joy, and glory. Money flows in abundance to me and mine. What else is possible ❤
Thank you 💞


Wow!! Woke at 3:00am to connect via Zoom. Fell asleep so now catching the replay. So very grateful for you and your generosity of spirit. Definitely will be putting on a loop. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏 How does it get any better than this and what else is possible now?❤❤❤


Abundance and wealth comes to me with eace, joy & glory. My body heals itself with total joy, ease & glory. I have so much money for generarions to come. I create great projects which give me great joy, expansion & tons of money while i help others with awareness orocesses and with other stuff good for them.


Idk how i found Dain randomly popped up. BUT I fking love your channel/videos. Thank you for all the stuff youre sharing ! So much love gratitude in my heart!


I allow myself to be contributed to…money comes to me with ease joy and glory ❤


Thank you Dr. Dain my money reality shifted ❤❤❤ Thank u Thank u Thank u 😊 I got a solution to a situation I was facing 🎉 I am sooo thankful to you ❤❤❤


I’m so grateful for the amazing contribution you are to this world. I just f***ing love you, beautiful you.
Access Consciousness is changing lives massively, glad to be part of this weird and lovely community.


OMG thank you so much for this ESB!!! So glad we can access to this energy even 2 months later. Thank you thank you thank you for this possibility. This was my first ESB and wow!!! All the space that it created. What else is possible 💜💜💜
