The DANGERS of BEING TOO DEFENSIVE In LIFE 😠 (Cultivating Collaboration With Jim Tamm)

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If you're having a difficult time working with others or having a production problem at work...

Then you better watch this video from beginning to end.

Have you ever seen red in a working environment? It's called being defensive and turns out, it is the single greatest inhibitor to true collaboration at home, at work and in life. Jim Tamm shares years of experience in getting out of the red zone and cultivating a "green zone" attitude.

By knowing the green zone and the red zone, you will be able to cultivate collaboration and achieve more money, accomplish your goals faster and make this world a better place.

The clip comes from Jim Tamm's TedTalk named: ''Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! | Jim Tamm | TEDxSantaCruz''

🔎 More About Jim Tamm:
Jim Tamm is a former law professor and senior administrative law judge for the state of California. He mediated nearly 2,000 employment disputes and handed down legal decisions that impacted national labor policy. He’s worked for 40 years in the field of alliance building and conflict resolution, and is an expert in building collaborative workplace environments. He’s the author of “Radical Collaboration,” published in 2005.

📲 Where to find Lois:

🔎 More About Lois Sonstegard:
Lois Sonstegard, Ph.D. is the founder of Build2Morrow, a business coaching and consulting company that works with visionary leaders who want to inspire people and impact lives.

Lois is certified as a coach by Marshall Goldsmith, College of Executive Coaches, Gallup, Leadership Circle. Her coaching focuses on how to make work-life better while achieving extraordinary results.

Lois focuses on beliefs and attitudes which impact communication and she focuses on how to navigate communication and perception gaps among workgroups so that desired outcomes are achieved. Her processes are simple and pragmatic and achieve sustainable behavior change.

🎯 Her Mission:
My mission is to use pragmatic coaching practices that enable successful people to achieve positive, lasting change in behavior; for themselves, their people, and their teams. She has over thirty years of experience in international business, global business development, health care organization, and delivery systems.

#Lois Sonstegard #Build2Morrow #EndOfTheRoad
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