Slow Shamanic Tantra Music - Shamanic Drum & Kalimba Meditation | Calm Whale

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A very slow, gentle, beautiful shamanic tantra love music. Ideal as a spiritual soundbath, yoga or deep tantric love experience music. With deep, warm yet firm sound of the shaman drum. Awakening, healing, stimulating kundalini, stimulating Qi flow & meridian response, expanding one's consciousness. Promoting stillness & inner peace where two bodies & two souls make one. Where you dissolve into oneness. DMT & Pineal Gland Activation soundscape.
This meditation contains shaman drum, kalimba (played with a soft stick) & skin sounds.
To support my work & DOWNLOAD full resolution experience audio file

Check out also my music with kalimba and shaman drum :

#tantra #massage #slow #calmwhale Muzyka Tantra medytacja.

Everything made exclusively by Calm Whale.
Copyright ⓒ 2018 Calm Whale™. All Rights Reserved.

The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
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Don’t know if someone is reading this, but if you are: You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you! ❤️


If you are reading this remember that you are strong, beautiful and loved. The pain ends, be strong. I love you so much!❤


I gave birth at home with that music for my two children, now I make them sleep with it every night. This music is absolutely beautiful and peaceful, I'm addicted


Within the stillness I feel the light of the Lord..better days ahead for our planet..lightworkers your doing amazing the new earth signs our present and we are one!!😍😇🙏🙌💯❤


This reminds me of a simple yet profound experience reminding me of my human and divine nature. While driving, there was a light yet consistent rainfall. As I pulled into my driveway, my eye caught a small drop of water easing its way down the glass pane of my window. I followed it, and as I did I found that it absorbed the smaller droplets simply sitting passively, and at the same time left a trail of the same smaller raindrops behind it.

Our current existence, in this life, is the active raindrop. As gravity takes us on our path through this life, we must use the resources we are provided, but also leave our path behind us in the state which we left it. The raindrop was not greedy; it took what was given to it along its path, and left behind what it did not need. We must learn to be like the raindrop.

Something else that came to mind: what of the storm that birthed the droplet? That speck of rain was but one piece of a constantly changing mass, which came from somewhere else, and is likely to return to that place again.

Cycles are constant. There is no A to B with time; there is only the unending flow. It is wise to seek understanding of your origins.


I also have ADHD and I was totally drawn to @calmwhale’s music!

Their music calms my hyperactive mind.

It helps me sit in quiet meditation.

It has helped me heal deeply on many occasions.

It helps me align and reconnect with my higher self.

Then I’m ready to get back to life with more positivity, peace, and a sense of greater joy!!!

Namaste 🙏🏻


"There is no love to 'get' in this world. The world is as neutral as a mirror. We perceive in it what we place before it. When we attempt to get love from this world by taking it, we steer our experience deeper and deeper into lack." --Michael Brown, 'The Presence Process'
This music helps me understand the unified perspective as I read, thank you for uploading!


I’ve never sat in darkness, in “silence”, for three hours until I listened to this track.

Thank you


rarely find something that actually relaxes me and doesn't end up bothering me during my yoga routine


This is perfect! I am Russian, and Siberian Shamanism is pure bliss...our Shaman traditions are very powerful...Chosen by Spirits...I have a powerful Spiritual Guide...techically the drum is used intuitively cast away negative energy and evil spirits, and I always see myself floating and flying in my dreams when I do shaman healing along with this!

Thank you for uploading.


Marking human time while simultaneously keeping our celestial heads in the clouds. This is the vision I have while listening. It is most expanding and opening. Thank you< Calm!


wow. Ive never cried so intense during a meditation before. Beautiful, powerful, and profound. Peace and blessing to all


You can Help me keep creating new music for all of You:
► or just by donating small amount to PP. You find some more details in the description.
Thank YOU for listening 💕 ❤💦🙏


I slept listening to the music, while dreaming i was concious to the music.. it was very beautiful experince !!!


thank you for sharing..
very hypnotic.
I have ADHD..
I find the shamanic drum and chims very calming indeed...
I also suffer with CPTSD
sleep is an issue
by going to bed same time
and listening to your music
I hope my inconsiderate hyperactive mind
eventually gets the messages..
namaste 🙏


I want to thank whoever made this video🙏🏾💕, I truly felt so deep while meditating with this music and somehow I had the ability to realize my emotions, thoughts as I was out of them. I felt so light, strong and could sense the divine energy, namaste💜


Goosebumps all over. This is one of my favourite works of yours. Not for tantric massage specifically, but in general.
It just satisfies parts of my adhd brain in a way nothing else does.


this is truly a work of art... I know there are a lot of calming or meditation music out there but they all seem to be blasted with too much sound... this one is like the ebb and flow.. the rhythm is... just.... (leaves the body)


Deep deep trance! Namaste, om mani pad me hum


Ive been trying to find the right meditation vid everywhere. This is just right. Not too flashy. But not boring like binaural beats or anything. It's just simple and deep. Thanks :)
