I PLAYED SPIRITBORN! Everything You Need to Know + Impressions // Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

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Yoo guys, today we are breaking down the spiritborn class! I played for 2 hours and got a great taste of what the class has to offer. In this video we go over my impressions, how the class works, full skill tree breakdown and more. Huge thanks to Blizzard for flying me out to the HQ and giving me the opportunity to experience this class! Enjoy.

0:00 - 0:47 Intro
0:48 - 2:36 Class Overview
2:37 - 4:06 Skill Tree
4:07 - 6:21 Spirit Hall
6:22 - 12:44 First Impressions
12:45 - 16:03 Keystone Passives
16:04 - 19:41 Build Diversity
19:42 - 22:25 Aspects
22:25 - 25:24 All Skills
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I see a lot of hate so far, being Aztec and seeing my culture in a game is SO SICK. These abilities are sooo fucking cool. I’m stoked for the class. Maybe it’s bc I don’t like pally but I think this is great


Class looks sick and the fact that you can effectively have at least 4 massively different playstyles sounds so hype


This class really just seems like its going to be the best no contest. looks cool, seems fun super hype to play it, but yea its versatility is insane


Sounds pretty awesome.. doubt they would have much to say, but did anyone ask the devs if these lessons learned that the Spiritborn was reaping the benefits of would be applied back to existing classes in terms of class updates.. Druid for example seems to be pretty outclassed by Spiritborn in terms of QoL fun and interesting things. Can't really blame the devs unless they don't make other class updates, but its like the Druid was designed for the slower game the devs originally envisioned, whereas the Spiritborn is being designed in mind with how the game has greatly sped up.


Something tells me the rest of the classes are going to have to have a serious makeover in order to be any reason to play them.


Poison specs are always my favorite and this seems to have to jump through less hoops to make it work, Druid poison has been awful since Blurred Beast was nerfed, poison Rogue was annoying until they added tempers for poison imbuement. Looking forward to testing the poison builds on Spiritborn.


for vital strikes is said after making an enemy vulnerable so if you dont make enemy vunerable(another player make them vulnerable or a pet you summon make it )so is not you making them vulnerable . you dont proc any of botom part of the keystone and only doing 100% more damage not removing vulnerable effect. dot damage is not direct damage to only direct damage proc the botom part


Cant wait to try this class out.. Wish they would have allowed everyone to try a beta like they did D4 and just have everyone go to lvl 20-30... Either way im hyped for the DLC.


feels sort of like a spit in the face to the other classes ngl. druid but better. sorc movement like oculus with those boots, but just no downside. Actually pretty fucking pissed about spiritborn. they learned from their mistakes of other classes, but don't have the gusto to actually go back and rework the other classes skill tree nodes and synergies. Half of sorcs enchantments are still useless, half of our greater/destructive nodes are useless. Yet they're going to come out here and just make a dope class with crazy synergy. It's like being the employee who worked their way up to a certain wage, but all the new highers start off higher than you, and they don't plan on raising your wage. I won't be touching this class out of principle.


Hopefully they can synchronize the other classes as well as they did spiritborn, can’t wait to try it out


Favorite new tuber! Great breakdown. Looks really fun. Fell off this season because it was time to play druid and it just wasnt hitting for me. New class looks fun tho


I like it. I don’t like that it’s a druid 2.0, but it does feel different enough than the druid. On paper/from ptr footage as well, the sb looks positively broken with some of the synergy possibilities.


This class looks interesting and I’ll definitely try it. What’s going to happen to Druid?


@Moxsy So the Poison Dots from Centipede were counting as you getting hit and would activate Thorns?


Great video! I’ve been watching you since your Atari 2600 content!


When you're talking about ultimates, it made me think how Blizz can change it. Make it feel like an ultimate and make it NOT take up skill points or a slot. Every character should be able to use an ultimate with your normal classes. It would be like on Destiny, you take an extra grenade instead of your Super, except your Super did 1/4 the damage it does


I might be alone but I was hoping for witch doctor again but this is like a dream witch doctor hybrid on steroids 😂I’m here for it !!!


This all sounds good. I can’t wait to try some of this stuff


Oooh, I really want to try a Thorn Gorilla build. We've needed another class besides Barbarian that can really make use of thorns to it's best.


How do you unlock the class period? I don't have the option for that or new area
