#COP26: What Happened in the First Week? | Climate Action | United Nations

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Climate change and how to stop it - the world is watching as leaders, experts and activists gather in Glasgow (UK) with the aim of addressing this major threat to humanity. Our team on the ground explains what’s at stake as participants negotiate how to secure commitments to cut harmful emissions to net zero by mid-century and keep the target of global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees. In this conversation wrap-up, we bring you the straight facts and highlights of key moments during the first week of the conference, which is set to conclude on 12 November.

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The minorities you want to speak there are the one you can control, not the activists outside that is affected the most by climate change, indigenous, pacific islanders etc..


What better way to sequester carbon than by stewarding our soils in such a way that they become enriched with organic matter making them more productive and able to retain more water? SWRT Solutions subsurface water retention technology has been proven around the world by independent Scientists to double the amount of water retained in sandy soils. Dramatic improvements in crop production have been replicated as well. Governments that want to help increase the productivity of farmland and save up to 50% of irrigation water and make best use of rainfall need to investigate the benefits of SWRT membranes.



By. United Nations | الأمم المتحدة

Thank you
UN | الأمم المتحدة
for this small-happiness.

Long live the United Nations!
Long Live Each Us | Peacemakers!.

Thank you.

And May God's peace be upon you.

Thank you.




Parabéns pelo trabalho as vezes na mesa do rico ou do pobre temos dificuldades em ter um prato com comida amém que Deus abençoe a todos em todos os idiomas amém presidente


Parabéns pelo trabalho o consulado tem que ajudar os filhos de sua pátria Haiti etc que estão subjugados em outro país que Deus abençoe a todos em todos os idiomas amém presidente


رسائل الـمناخ تـجتاح
الرعد والفيضان صدّاح
هذا نَفْعُ النوم والتَّراخ
هذا تصريف الـمياه والأوساخ

حال الرَّفاه البذَّاخ
حال اللعب بِارتياح
حاور بِاصغاء والتَّواخ
حاول صَدَّ غضب أباح

اطفاء أنوار النَّواح
شراب وغذاء طبَّاخ
خيال العقل اقتراح
ما نَفْع العويل والنُّواح

تـهيئة الظلال والضَّواح
احتماء من مـجاري فِخاخ
لِانقاذ أملاك وأَرواح
لِانقاذ مِن بَلَلٍ شَـمَّاخ

كم مِن أزمات شَرَّاح ؟
كم مِن صناعةٍ استنساخ ؟
كم مِن انبعاثٍ وِشَاح ؟
مسيرة ضدَّ التلوث صُراخ ؟

ذوبان الـجليد ؟ انبطاح ؟
ترويع أطيار ؟ والفراخ ؟
انكسار ؟ انـهيار ؟ بِانسلاخ ؟
تـميع الـمياه بِالاطراح

عواصف الغضب بالريَّاح
نزول البَرَد كالرماح
تكاثف الاعصار انتفاخ
تـهديم بيوت أكواخ ؟

تقلبات الـجَوّ وضَّاح
احتراق غابات والألواح
جـَمْعُ السَّيل جُلاّخ
انـحدار السَّيل نسَّاخ

تعويـم سـهول فـي الصَّباح
مِلْء دلاء ؟ أقداح ؟
تنبُّؤ الـمخاطر أراخ
ظلمُ الـمُناخ مَسَّاخ

حاذر البحر إنْ سفّاح ؟
دَفْعُ البحر جِـمَاح
أنغام البحر أباخ
مَوْج البحر دَوَّاخ

التنقية مِن سُخام أرباح ؟
التلوث تـخسير الـمناخ

ارضاء الغضب لِيَنْزاح ؟
ذكاء التوازن إلـحاح ؟
البَرُّ في الـمياه سبَّاح ؟
فَهْم العلوم انفتاح

شعاع الشمس مِن سُوّاح
نقاء الـهواء انشراح
جفاف السهوب أقراح
أين الرَّعيُ والسَّراح ؟

صعود جبل والرَّواح
تدمير الـمرجان ؟ أرباح ؟
ما نفْع اجتماع ؟ أفراح ؟
سلام البيئة ؟ للنجاح ؟

ماذا بَقِيَ للأجيال ؟ أتراح ؟
إنقاذ الأرض للسَّماح
كشْف الـمخاطر ؟ لَـمّاح ؟
إعلان الـحلول ؟ إفصاح ؟

البدائل الـمتجدِّدة صِحاح
ما ذنب الأجيال اجتراح ؟
الانقاذ إتِّـحاد التَّآخ
الذوبان بـالـحرارة مفتاح

كم مِن دخان ؟ فَوَّاح ؟
كم مِن سُخام ؟ للجِراح ؟
كم احتراقات بالسخام ؟ لا مِلاح ؟
يَوْمًا الـجليد من الأشباح ؟

الـماء غَمَرَ اكتساح
شوارع وطُرُق ضاخّ
كيف الـخسائر تنزاح ؟
التخوّف غروب اصباح

تَلَف مـحاصيل واستصلاح
نُدرة السلع والـجباح
تدمير الـمناخ كالسلاح
الكفاح ؟ إنقاذ الـمناخ

الشمس لكُلّ مصباح
وسائل الـمشروع إيضاح
تغيُّر الـمناخ اصطلاح
تنبُّؤ العقول الـمِخاخ

تنوُّع الـهجرة ؟ بالـجناح ؟
الـحساب ؟ حرارة ؟ ارتياح ؟
تبريد التصنيع ؟ لا مُزاح ؟
تبريد الـحرارة ؟ استنساخ ؟

توحيد الـمساعي ؟ افتتاح ؟
جَـمْعُ الأموال للإصلاح
تـجميع 26 و 27 للمناخ ؟
الاكتشاف بالعربات ؟ والنُّباح ؟

دِفْءُ السكن بـالـمُتاح ؟
الفحم للجليد أطاح
الوقود النظيف ؟ هَـمًّا أزاح ؟
رسائل الـمناخ الـمُجتاح

( الـمناخ الـمُجتاح 2021 )
07 / 11 / 2021

وعليكم السلام


Parabéns pelo trabalho um feliz natal e ano novo e outras comemorações com suas famílias e Amigos eu passo sozinho como muitos no planeta e nos 193 países filiados a ONU que Deus, /ala abençoe em todos os idiomas amém presidente


Parabéns pelo trabalho um feliz natal e ano novo e outras comemorações com suas famílias e Amigos eu passo sozinho como muitos no planeta e nos 193 países filiados a ONU que Deus /ala abençoe em todos os idiomas amém


Parabéns pelo trabalho e difícil falar em direitos humanos porque sofremos agrecoes todos os dias no mundo e nos 193 países filiados a ONU que Deus /ala abençoe em todos os idiomas amém


Jangan pernah percaya bnpt ri jika belum menangkap satupun dosen univ biru yogyakarta. Terimakasih.


Hello sir i request you too please make a video in hindi language, because 2nd highest population in india. They know more if climate change speech in hindi tether than english.
I also want to share this but not able due to language in english if you upload in hindi i share this video to million of people and they people share their friend too to spread awareness in india about climate change. In india most old and major youth know better in hindi language.
So i request you too please made video in hindi language so
I can share that video in india of billion of people to aware about climate change please please please it request of indian people.
Also we know that hollywood movie in hindi language is more popular than bollywood if you want to spread awareness in india make video in hindi and guarented that video goes viral in whole world too.


Humans are dying, all over this world from jab . And this is all you got


Parabéns pelo trabalho vocês ja fizeram uma pesquisa para saber quantos bandidos moradores de rua terrorista pessoas na extrema pobreza etc tem para cada cidadão do bem que Deus ala abençoe em todos os idiomas amém presidente


I Hope This Channel Communicates My Emotions : This World Is Full Of A-holes and its Future Is Dependent On A Handful Of Quality Individuals Whom Would Produce Quantitative Results if ever given the option instead of the system using Chronic Dependency Rathan than Independence . . . - A BA NE MAATLA! Simply translated : They dont have Power !


Lets save the planet because its our future at stake .lets plant trees, put universal laws that govern the environment.
Undugu Youth Empowerment Group


Pakistan has Planted 1 Trillion Trees 🇵🇰



By. United Nations | الأمم المتحدة

Thank you
UN | الأمم المتحدة
for this small-happiness.

Long live the United Nations!
Long Live Each Us | Peacemakers!.

Thank you.

And May God's peace be upon you.

Thank you.




Hello sir i request you too please make a video in hindi language, because 2nd highest population in india. They know more if climate change speech in hindi tether than english.
I also want to share this but not able due to language in english if you upload in hindi i share this video to million of people and they people share their friend too to spread awareness in india about climate change. In india most old and major youth know better in hindi language.
So i request you too please made video in hindi language so
I can share that video in india of billion of people to aware about climate change please please please it request of indian people.
Also we know that hollywood movie in hindi language is more popular than bollywood if you want to spread awareness in india make video in hindi and guarented that video goes viral in whole world too.
