Compound W One Step Pads - Product Review

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Warts are ugly and can be a pain to get rid of. Here is our review of a product we think might help.
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I wore it just over a week and initially it stings but then it stops. The skin around it turned white. I kept it on for the 48 hours and reapplied. When I went to do so on the 5th bandage the wart was on the bandage. Kind of gross. And on my finger is a small hole where it was and white skin around it (which is now going away). I would recommend this


It says to leave it on for 2 days before replacing it so you won't be replacing it once or twice a day. And you won't be taking it off at night!


The institutions say use each bandage for 48 the repeat as need. So the 14 is a 28day supply. So it's actually pretty affordable if you follow directions exactly, even if you need 12 weeks of treatment.


Brooo these comments are getting me more comfortable cause I just bought these and the white spot is showing up and the temporary stinging as well😂😂😂 must mean it’s working!!!


started wearing these the day
day 1: didnt sting and i couldnt feel it
day 2: the skin around the wart was white and it was very very weird
day 3: started to sting a lil bit, and the skin was still white
(i will edit this as a i go)
3 weeks later: forgot about this, but it worked! 2 year old plantar wart GONE! 👏🏻


This works! I had a wart in a really awkward place on the corner of my finger nail for over 15 years. I tried absolutely everything, so did the doctors, and it refused to go. It took two packets of these strips to remove it, but it eventually went. I left them in for 2 days at a time, and added extra plasters over the top to keep it in place when i showered etc. It stings a bit, turns the area white, and is a bit inconvenient, but it was well worth it.


Highly recommend this product for anyone that has a wart near fingernails
Takes like 1 weeek max to make it go away completely


Last time I ha a wart on my hand, I used the liquid and it caused a pigment loss. About three years before that, a dermatologist burned it off and I got a horrible raised keloid on my neck. He said all I could do is wear a Cica Care silicone sheet on my neck for six months to a year which 'might' flatten out the keloid. It worked after six months, but was so ugly, I didn't want to chance it. I wore the Cica Care sheet for a year, It worked virtually perfectly. I couldn't believe it.


Do you scrape off white skin after removing old bandages and apply new ones?


Though I prefer getting a wart frozen off at the docs, I hope this method works because the doc costs a little over $220 a visit, and that was with health insurance...


I had a big hard bump(about the size of a pencil erasor) on my elbow. I went to the doctor and he froze it. A week later it was back and painful. I bought compound w one step pads and used them for about 15 days til my wife thinking it was a empty box threw it away. Never the less it kept improving til now its completely gone. Thanks for a great product


You only change one bandage out every 2 days, so a 6 pack will last you 12 days.


I’m using this stuff now. Seems to be working. The wart was on my foot for years and it didn’t bother me. All of a sudden it started hurting. So I got these. It seems to kill the skin around the wart and pulling it all off. When I remove the bandage to replace it my wart and the dead skin are almost just popping off my foot. It didn’t hurt at first but now it does to an extent. It’s not a bad hurt. But I know it’s doing something and I can actually step on my whole foot again so it’s being never beneficial. I leave the bandaids on for 48 hours like it instructs. I’m hoping the final outcome is nothing was there almost.


I have a wart on my finger and I started using these a few days ago and I think they work really well so far it does sting a bit and turn the skin around it white but I would recommend.


Doesn't the directions say to repeat every 48 Hours made my feet sting than the first 4 hours this morning


When the adhesive on the bandaid wears off after a day, and it will, you can cut out the medicated center of it and use medical tape to keep the medication on for a extra day.


I wouldn’t say it stings, but it itches. Which is normal from the cells dying and drying out


There is a generic version of this for less than $3. Same salicylic acid, also 14 strips. So I'm wondering, since this is a product review, how did the product work for you? Thanks.


You're supposed to leave them on for 48 hours, not change them twice a day.


I have used this for about a week now, and a layer of my skin(a good amount of skin) has came off and the wart is fully visible, am I suppose to take the bandaid off now or keep it on?
