Docker networking basics | connect ECONNREFUSED | Part 1

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In this Video, I have shown the basic network bridge which is created for communicating between the containers. Without the default bridge, the containers cannot communicate each other.
The first container has expressjs server, and the other container has json-server which acts as API.
When expressjs makes an API request to the container, The CONNREFUSED error appeared & was not able to progress further.
Below are the commands, which will be useful:
docker network connect *network-name* *container-name*
docker network ls
docker network inspect *network-id*
#docker #networking #CONNREFUSED #connection #communication
The first container has expressjs server, and the other container has json-server which acts as API.
When expressjs makes an API request to the container, The CONNREFUSED error appeared & was not able to progress further.
Below are the commands, which will be useful:
docker network connect *network-name* *container-name*
docker network ls
docker network inspect *network-id*
#docker #networking #CONNREFUSED #connection #communication
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