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The Only Dating Website i recommend to meet serious Filipina :

To apply for Filipino visa:


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The Only Dating Website i recommend to meet serious Filipina :

To apply for Filipino visa:


Guys travel 8000+ miles just to go salivating over broke single moms and scammers.
Then find themselves in the same drama situations they were running from to begin with leaving one shit show for another.

Simping has not only made it harder for the next guy,
but also ruined Filipinas that could otherwise be decent women.
It isn't what it used to be anymore.


I don't understand how western men rightfully refuse to be taken advantage of by western vvomen but then go to a foreign country and be total doormats 🤦


You don't have to say anymore, that's like you can't change criminals from committing crimes. 😂


Great Advice, Great a great video !!!


It is never fine if the woman xoes not love u Let her prove her love first I gave my wife nothing the first ten years I just paid 70% of the bills and 95% of eating out and 90% of vacations After she cooked me dinner 2000 times and did my laundry 500 times then I gave her 1 million and took her all over the world I gave her next to nothing the first 5 years and in 35 years, she never asked me for money. When she told me she was going to buy something I never objected. My wife has no bad behavior.


I have followed since your first vlog...I have seen you grow, (well not vertically! 😇), and develop your channel and yourself...this was not one of your better episodes...


Western women have a tendency to reflect their own lonely misery on others, so the worst thing that can happen to a Filipina is listening to western women! and their so called advise. I agree with most of the points you stated, including not sending any money upfront. If you see an expat / man in the Philippines, he most likely had enough of the western culture and western women and he would want change and willing to live the simple life. Men are not hard to please. My woman is from the province / a small village and when she was in N.A for the fort time, she got disgusted with western women, , 11 years has past and she is still disgusted with western women. I am telling her every day why I love her and she knows what I want.
Do NOT let anyone change your mindset on your priorities, which is FAMILY ! Hugs from 🇨🇦


If you lead with your wallet, that is all you will ever be seen as! So many say "Never give money to someone you haven't met in person, " and yes so many still do it. Those are also the people that'll be commenting on videos soon that a Filipina scammed them. NO she didn't, she just accepted what you gave her, you scammed yourself, if you listen and don't send money, then you can't be scammed. Why do they continue doing it? Because there are a lot of lonely and desperate men out there that like the attention they get from doing it, and it makes them feel good believing they are helping to make someone else's life better. You say foreigners are ruining "good" Filipina's, but if she actually was a "good" Filipina, as all interviews say, she would have declined to accept money/material things offered to her, so I would say "NO" foreigners aren't ruining "good" Filipina's, they are just showing who the "bad" ones are.

Personally, I would place the majority of blame on the Filipina, regardless of what the foreigners say or do, the Filipina is still the one that made the choice to change, and not for the better. You also have so many Filipina channels giving BAD and WRONG information, like Smart Girl channel, saying foreigners need to give Filipina's $400 a month and to the mall for a shopping date and Filipina's have multiple relationships, that is making Filipina's look like cheating gold diggers, but I don't hear any Filipino complaining about that, which would mean they are condoning that behavior and believe it to be true. You also have those Filipina channels that just talk about sexual topics, which again is giving foreigners the wrong impressions of Filipino's, and again no complaining about that. The impressions foreigners have of Filipino's is GIVEN to them BY FILIPINO'S actions and behaviors, channels like those are giving foreigners the wrong impression of Filipino's.

Foreigners are broken and changing because of western women, they take western women's poor attitudes, behaviors and personal character and apply it to all women. Filipina's will need to be patient and EARN foreigners trust before they will open up to her, and when they do she NEEDS to remain HUMBLE, what is given can easily be taken away. One thing that NEEDS to be discussed early on in the relationship is both of their intentions and expectations. If she EXPECTS him to pay for her family's every need and he doesn't INTEND to, they are too far apart and can move on without anyone getting hurt. A relationship can be just as easily destroyed by her family's interference as it can by her attitude and behaviors. Filipina's should watch a western woman or 2 videos or even better, manosphere type videos (GriffinMind channel) and see how they are behaving, and LEARN NOT to be that way, that is what foreigners have been dealing with and want to get AWAY from. Act/behave in any way like those western women and your chances a foreigner will be interested are all but gone.

P.S. A woman saying make a man a real man, " is completely meaningless, it's nothing more than a shaming tactic of western women. A man knows what makes a man, a woman only know what makes a man for her.


I'll never understand why a lot of men feel they need to lead with their wallets. If you give your money away to any woman she will feel entitled to more. Then men claim the woman is a scammer. No, the woman isn't a scammer, you scammed yourself. I'm not faulting the women, women want a provider and protector, its in women's nature.


You have bad expats and bad Filipina’s so what can you do


Everybody will change when moving to another environment, foreigners change too. Hopefully the two halves of a couple will meet in the middle.


You are wise beyond your years Leah, you and Gary are a great couple with a lovely family. Good video👍🙏🏻


My wife's from Quezon city, we live in Scotland. I noticed very early that my western culture was a potential problem. I had to change my mindset (gained from western women). We live in a state of unconditional Love.
Exactly how it should be. 😁💚


Leah is absolutely my favorite, unmissable YouTube personality. ❤


It would enlightening to see a video with a "High Value Man" i.e. Foreigner who doesn't have any or only a little money. I would like to meet the couple where "Love Conquers All" a poor foreigner who is married and/or has a simple Filipino girlfriend. God Bless to you and your children!


Hi.. I was interested in visiting the Philippines, but I didn't realise there's a terrorism High alert in The Philippines islam as usual another one who would have guessed. But its put me off the Philippines sadly, is it safe in the Philippines thanks


A Filipinas mind is as fertile as her womb and it must be guarded with leadership and discernment.


When I went to the Philippines almost 30 years ago to meet my in-laws who lived in Alcala, Pangasinan, I was struck by how strong the faith in God was compared to the USA. In reading the story of Rebekah and combining it with the story of how Eve was taken out of Adam, it makes me wonder about women today. As a man who spent my 20’s wasting my time on women that didn’t seem to have any convincing interest in me, I finally met my wife who was convinced that she belonged to me. Where are the women of faith in their late teens and 20’s that want a husband and family and like Rebekah when asked if she would go with Abraham’s servant said “I will go”. God’s woman for a man is the woman that like Adam, God brings, God’s man for a woman, is the one that God leads her to and she says, “ I will go”. Oh that there would still be women of faith for my sons in their 20’s.


Peoples don't change...Money $$$ only makes theme more of what there already are.
