Why I’m sticking with Vue in 2023

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At the end of last year, I was about to set my long-time favorite frontend framework Vue aside for Svelte. In the end, I didn't do that. In this video, I talk about why I'm not ready to give up Vue just yet and will stick with it for the foreseeable future.

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I'm currently working as a React developer, but outside of work, I'm using Vue. I just think that the design of Vue matches my way of thinking for frontend development. It also feels complete. Like for ex., the following libraries in React:
- classnames
- react-transition-group
- react-router-dom

already comes out of the box in Vue. I suppose this is due to React being a "library" and not a "framework". I also prefer Vue's template over JSX. v-if, v-else, v-for, etc. are clean syntaxes to control the rendering of elements IMHO as opposed to using Array#map and the ternary operator. Lastly, I simply prefer the fine-grained reactivity of Vue over React where there is constant component rerender.

Overall, I think Vue and React are almost equal, except in ecosystem where React is undoubtedly the king. I will still use Vue regardless.


Vue is awesome. I'm looking into Solidjs because of Vue "vapor" (coming later this year) a new Solidjs-inspired compilation strategy. No more vdom and even better performance! I enjoy both now 🙂


No, I could NOT imagine building UI in rust. I just don't think you could get a nice dx into the language without jumping through so many macro hoops that it may just as well be a different language. I don't know how much experience you have building UI outside web-dev, but coming from an embedded dev, having sometimes done abstraction/interfacing-UIs for a device in python/Qt (and java for uni) and now learning how to do UIs in modern js frameworks, it's sooo much nicer and expandable than any option in other languages. To the point I honestly strongly consider using electron for the next UI that I'm gonna do.


Svelte is more a complier than framework. The big advantage is that you don't have to ship the library as production dependency


The cleanest is vanilla JS. It gives you the freedom to actually do things your own way and organise them your own way.
Which is why I always use JS for anything which is a personal project, cause I am allowed to. On the other hand working for a company either as a freelancer or employee, you need to cooperate with others (either immediately, or maybe in the future cause others will be maintaining your code). Which means that some restrictions and standardisations are good practice which can avoid massive time waste. But why oh why would you actually use a framework/library for a project where you are the only one supposed to work on it? I don't really get it at all.


I'd say benchmarks aren't even the best way to measure this. They will overlook specific cases in which one framework might topple another one.

Nonetheless, yes, if you prefer Vue's experience, definitely stick with it. I say this as a Svelte ambassador, and so I'm quite biased towards it. I wouldn't say Vue's the cleanest, and would say it has a API surface that is too big. But you will of course have your arguments as to why you prefer Vue, which is also fine :)

Happy hacking!


Sticking with Vue components, in an Astro project ^^


Svelte is amazing but Vue is powerful. I started learning Vue recently and It gives you even more power to make reactivity and more control over the entire application and your components. Vue and Svelte are both my favorite javascript frameworks for 2023 and 2024. Svelte is simple to learn and elegant but Vue is more powerful yet difficult but once you master it then you can really make amazing stuff with it.


Svelte is so cool. But the language server stay crashing lol


Angular still preferred by enterprise company tho


You talking like using what you enjoy is some crime Unless it's react or next or svelte😂😂


Vue 3 is much faster than most of the frameworks, people who use vue 3 are much smarter than other programmers


We are using javascript because we have to, not because we want to? That's crazy talk. Who's "we" in that statement. Agree with you on Vue, then you lost me at the end.
