Jehovah's Witnesses & 1975 The End of the World

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#exjwsthink #exjw #jehovahswitness #armageddon #1975

Former Jehovah's Witness elder/bethelite is discussing his own personal experience about what he knows about the practices and policies of the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society.

The Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society & 1975

April 15, 1967 Watchtower – the Watchtower stated that we only have a few short years ahead of us

May 15, 1980 Watchtower

1989 Year Book PP 30-31

1968 Kingdom Ministry

May 15, 1969 Watchtower – Have you been studying for six months?

September 15, 1941 Watchtower – the watchtower stated there were only a few remaining months before Armageddon

Amos 3:7

Newspaper Articles

Jehovah’s Fastest Religious Spread
Cassels, Louis
Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) 1973-1975); Sep 15, 1973
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender
Pg. 25

Jehovah’s witnesses Again See End of World – by 1975
Dart, John
The Washington Post, Times Herald (1959-1973); October 12, 1968
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post
Pg. D29

Witnesses Tell of God’s War
Chicago Defender (Daily Edition) 1973-1975); July 5, 1973;
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender
Pg. 4
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The society is like those mattress stores that have going out of business sales and never go out of business 🤣


I was disfellowshiped at age 14. In 1975 I was convinced that the world would end. My parents put me in a residential school because I had become unmanageable. I spent the last night of 1974 with my head covered laying in bed.
When the morning of 1975 came & I was still alive, I decided that the"truth" was a lie. I am 63 years old & would never return to the "truth".


This is 100% spot on. My family started in the truth in 1963. Parents baptized in 1968. I was a child of the 1975 prediction. I was disassociated in 1973 for conduct. I left my parents home in 1975 at age 17. The scariest and most liberating year of my life. Never looked back.
I was lucky. My mother never stopped talking to me. My father stopped talking to me for 10 years. They are both life long members. My mom passed away three years ago. She didn’t think she would ever die. She was told she would walk hand in hand with my father through Armageddon and into paradise here on earth.


I was baptised into the WTBS in 1973 due to the hysteria this date of 1975 created among rank and file. Outstanding presentation. I would agree 100% with the scenarios presented.I lived then in Ireland and the elders cautioned me against getting married and having children and further education.I got married that year and had children shortly thereafter. I wasted my life in menial work and now at reirement age no pension. These men the GB bear full responsibility not only for the way my life turned out but also the millions of others.


I dropped out of high school to become a pioneer in 72.I was DF'D in 74 due to the fact i realized what a load of crap that was being pushed on people. Never looked back.


I'm so grateful to you both for revealing real truths. My son woke me up and I'm hoping to eventually wake up my mother.


I was a Jehovah's Witness for 25 years. I woke up in the pandemic since then I follow all ex JW channels including in English because I'm studying, I would like to communicate with more people around the world, ex JW. After I found out the truth, even my marriage ended, today I am divorced, but I am happy away from that madness. Thanks for the informative channel.


What an incredible piece of work. JT and Lady Cee—You both nailed it. I started studying in 1971, was baptized and pioneering within a year. By six months had already given up Xmas; birthdays and all the rest. I Forfeited my college tuition deposit so I could pioneer and went through my savings at that time to continue… I never went to college then. I Left my job that I had been working for two years and saving for college. I was 19 years old. Then, Started house cleaning to support myself at $3 an hour. Pioneered at 100 hours a month; did the 6 month study with people then dropped them if they did not progress as told. Taught my studies it was not the time to go to college nor to have a family but to pioneer. Had studies that quit school and pioneered and quit jobs to pioneer. I forgot about all of this until I saw your video. I stayed in until My mid 30’s after going to Gilead school and missionary work. Somehow I came out of the darkness in an odd way while praying for the strength to remain in, I was freed because I believe God got me out; and I found my way out. I have always loved god or Jehovah since I was a child. The departure increased my faith after awhile. At first I was lost as I had no one to talk to. There was no internet then. No one to confide in as a friend. Then I made a plan and went back to college. I got professional help as well. I realized I could not be bitter because I followed and trusted men. God said be fruitful be many and fill the earth. God said don’t put your trust in nobles nor men. I chose to study the Bible back then but ignore its most basic teachings as I was overcome by the JW influence and teachings on what one might call the “party line”. It sounded so good to me. But the price I paid was high. I believe they JWs, are all paying a high price for their belief system. It’s very devastating. I have been outside for a few decades now and have had many disillusions with things in life but life goes on. We are here for a short while like a mist and then disappearing, as it says in Ecclesiastes. We have to enjoy what we can in this life; be a good neighbor; be honest; fair; truthful and just have even scales, but at the same time, cautious as serpents. Enjoy your lives. God bless you both. You are truly ministers of the truth as I see it and for those who are loaded down, they can find refreshment for their souls in your critical thinking comments and documentaries. The load upon us is not heavy as JW would make it for us but is kindly and light. I just want to tell you that I believe you are doing the Lord’s work whether you know it or not! That is my personal opinion of course. I don’t know everything. I really don’t know much as much is secret to us all. But we do know what we can see and feel. Your good people and I know that!. Thanks


I'm 74 Dad joined when I was 3. Boy I have seen changes. My Dad ruined my life.


I remember a classmate of mine being pulled out of school by her father.(I graduated from High School in 1975) I remember her crying, she didn't want to quit school. This was high school and we only had another few months to go before graduation. She did get her diploma, I think, but her dad wouldn't let her march with the class. I wondered at the time, what kind of weird religion was that. Didn't realize that I'd get caught up in it years later


at 17yrs old, I was like, 1975 came and went, guess what? Armaggedon outta' Free of WT's lies.


In 1974 i was a 6 year old young brother and remember folding tracks for sunday service . Listing to my mom and other sisters talk about how everything would be different by that same time next year, so it was talked about plenty within the congragation. They all were looking foreward to it


I graduated in ‘75, married a jw-beginning of the end of the lie! 1980 I was out. Marriage and religion! Praise the Lord! Continued blessings. 🙏🏽


I'm not a JW.. but years ago I had a close family member to try to convert me. Another family member told me to research them. This information you all presented came up in my research.. I'm so glad that I didn't become a JW.
Thank you for all you do . I hope that many find your YouTube channel, and are set free through the information you provide. God bless you 🙏🏾🙌🏾 ❤


Had I known the truth about 1975 back when I was studying with the Witnesses in 1986, I would´ve never become a Jehovah´s Witness.


Listening to you guys really reaffirmed my decision to leave 20 years ago!!!


Thanks for the video! I was raised as a jw and was only told about 1975 from my dad, but I never understood what, how, or why people believed in 1975, and could never get a straight answer from the brothers. Really just another shameful chapter in the watchtower's history.

Also, just from the way you talk and explain things, I can tell that you used to give great talks lol


I remember the culture of being a JW prior to 1975. One foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. lol. Your videos explained exactly how it was. Thank you for your videos.


My mom always said that 1975 just weeded out the brothers that didn't have true faith. But it clearly says in deuteronomy that if someone speaks a prophecy in Jehovahs name and it doesn't come true, he is a false prophet and you shouldn't fear him. But they never read that or elaborate on that scripture in the literature
