The Five Giants [COMPLETE Warrior Cats M.A.P.]

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It's here.

Thank you for all of the support on this project over the years and a special thank you to the Erins; Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry and Tui Sutherland. Thank you for writing the stories and characters that have inspired so many of us for the past 15 years.
Selket, Simply Misty, AnimeLionessMika, Tenelle Flowers, Meow 286, PkspRuby, TheDogzLife
Toha Ridomesu, SalukiSilver, Crashydelflou, Sokoish, Kay2036, HITA EighthSun, Callipepla Californica, WanderingArcher, Talarik, TangleClaw, xJaystarzx, Fausti A., St★rapture, Beffalumps, King Rory, Squizzy, Etourvol, Milda Karg, Kinseis, D3LT4R1-2, Amberbydreamsart, Kura Kur & Iro Rautatiski, Feyrah, HulluMel, RyeTaran, Spottedfire25, Nifty-Senpai, Fireworkcat25, MapleSpyder, Shilly, Tobi’s the Hero, Splashamantha, Nightrizer, Princess-Anna, Fluffylovey, FlowingWaves, GingaNinjaOwO, Whiskermoon & Teejsaurus & StationPass, KatAuroraMist, River Spirit, WindBird, XxHazelstripexX, Finchwing & Selket & Nifty-Senpai, Forsaken Spirits & FireworkCat25 & Luxites, Lukey Charms, ColaCatInTheHat, Wanton Fox, Finchwing, CaptainScourge, Velo Cira.
Ending Credits by:
With additional lining and help by:
Painting of Rusty by:
“Masterpiece Theater III” by Marianas Trench
“The Valley (Reprise)” by The Oh Hellos
RyeTaran; who provided us with our beautiful Clan Wheel symbol and helped lift the project off the ground at the very beginning.

Our backup artists and animators; who were on call whenever we needed them to pick up where someone else left off.

ObnoxiousGiraffe; Who helped host the project in the beginning and helped it develop.

Five Giants Thumbnail made by WolFirry
Honorable mentions:
THIS PROJECT WAS 100% NON-PROFIT. Five Giants was a fanmade labor of love and serves to showcase the artists and their dedication to Erin Hunter’s Warrior Cats
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Thank you all so much for your plentiful patience and pining to see this project finally be released on YouTube. Whiskermoon and I are beyond proud of every single contribution, be it a part, thumbnail, piece of fanart, or supportive comment, and we are aching with gratitute thanks to all of you.

Happy 15 long years of Warriors, everyone! May RiverClan swim! May SkyClan leap! And while ShadowClan sneaks, and WindClan bounds, ThunderClan hopes for all their stories to live forever, for it be on our hearts on in the books!

Also; I am first. I always was, and always will be.


“These are ridiculous cat books, but they are *my* ridiculous cat books.”
— Moonkitti


When I was 7 years old, I was diagnosed with ADD, and it was a hard road. It was 3rd grade and I still couldn’t read. My mother was disappointed and worried, and my teachers were so annoyed. I was scared and couldn’t do anything right. Then my friend introduced me to warriors. I learned to read just like that. Soon enough, I was excelling in school for the most part. I read every single book by the time I was in 6th grade. Looking back, I have been through a lot while reading warriors. Certain events from the series will remind me of happy and sad memories from my past that I want to cherish forever. I wish I could put into words how much these books changed my life for the better. Even after all my friends moved on from the series, I still read every single book. Watching this map makes me remember all the things I have gone through during the time I was reading the books. Seeing how far I, and along with others, have come. The gratitude I feel towards the fandom and the books is way more immense than I could ever say. Thank you for bringing this into creation. Even after a year of it being out, it still makes me emotional. I truly thank you.

Wow um thanks for all the likes?? <3


At the end where Firestar sits there, his collar infront of him really hit me. This all began with him and now... wow...


As of today (January 21, 2023), Warriors is officially twenty years old. It's hard to wrap my mind around that fact. I find it amazing that this community has created and brought together so many artists time and time again to create so many MAPs. Thank you, everyone, for such an amazing community.


When Firestar looked back before the great journey and said "I've been here so very long" I cRIED


The intro warning should go like this:
This map is going to make you cry. Watch it with your own responsibility.


This should just be called “Warrior Cats: The Map”


I’m sorry, but why is nobody talking about how ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL the end credits are?!


me: *going into a job interview*
employer: so, what are your talents.
me: *sweating nervously* uhh, i can name all the events that happen in the Five Giants MAP.


ok we can just mark this day down now as a historical point for the warriors fandom sorry no questions asked


Does anyone else start tearing up when it says “You’re beautiful” and it cuts to Brightheart?


I love how during the line "You're Beautiful" It shows BrightHeart


I almost cried at the end with that picture of Firepaw this is so nostalgic


What if Firestar woke up one day... only to discover it was all a dream?

Firestar woke up, surrounded by some soft fabrics substance. He stood and yawned, surprised to not find the scents of the forest around him. Confused, he looked about. Fear grabbed him as he realized he was in a twoleg den. But.. memories were rushing back. He swung his head around, hearing a jingle noise. There was something on his neck... it was.. his collar? His collar that he had worn all those many years ago. But... had it been so long? He look out the window, surprised to see he was back in the old forest. All of the trees were there. As he tried to process something, he heard a twoleg call something that sounded almost like... Rusty. He knew that name. It was 𝘩𝘪𝘮. He looked out at the trees, and tried to hold back the tears. It had been a dream. Everything, the clans, the freedom. He looked out, his breathe shaking. None of it had happened...

The Clans didn’t exist.

Rusty gazed out at the window in sorrow. All the cats he’d loved... Sandstorm... her name seemed faded. He had daughters too, but their names were being lost in memory. His friends, his Clan. He forced himself to remember. He had to remember.

But as the dream faded farther, Rusty felt himself thrown into a flurry of memories he didn’t understand, places he’d never seen, cats he’d never met.

As he gazed into the forest, the comfort of his twoleg home began to come back to him, and he suddenly found an emotion burning deep inside that he hadn’t realized before.

As the trees began to fill with dawn light, Rusty saw the flicker of bird wings.

And the sleek, ruffled tail of a wildcat.

( ...You guys... the love and support you have given me from this little piece of writing is astounding and absolutely incredible!! I’ve read every single reply and each and every one just makes my day. You have no idea how special all that feedback is to me. I’ve been writing for many years and will continue to do so! Thank you so much! You all are amazing! 💖 )


This isn’t just a map.
Or THE map.
This is what I want the movie to become.
No, I take that back.
This IS the movie.


I can't believe this map is a few years old already.. Time flies so quick. I remember watching this around the first six months it came out and it's still as beautiful as it was in its' younger days


I just remembered how MASSIVE the warriors series truly is...


The whole symbolic ending with Alderpaw and Sparkpaw resembling Firestar and Bramblestar is exactly why I didn’t keep reading after the Last Hope. It was very clear that the cats would keep going. At that point, it didn’t feel like the story NEEDED to be told anymore. It simply was.


I love how *one* small cat who just wanted to change his life, changed ours so much, he gave life to a big, BIG world and wow, im never forgetting this series honestly
