Republican Candidates on Obamacare, comments by John C. Goodman

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In this "Special Report with Bret Baier" for Fox News, Independent Institute Senior Fellow John C. Goodman analyzes the Republican candidates' discourse on repealing the Obamacare program and discusses how are they going to do it.

Americans are trapped in a dysfunctional healthcare system fraught with perverse incentives that raise costs, reduce quality, and make care less accessible. Now "Priceless" cuts through the politics and proposes dozens of bold reforms to free patients and caregivers to be empowered to chart their own lives with low-cost, high-quality healthcare.

John C. Goodman is Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, President of the Goodman Institute for Public Policy Research, and author of the widely acclaimed, new Independent book, "A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America," and the award-winning Independent book, "Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis." "The Wall Street Journal" and the "National Journal," among other media, have called him the “Father of Health Savings Accounts.”

More information about John C. Goodman here:


Рекомендации по теме

We need universal healthcare not private health care


ObamaCare may help some but not me a single man (no kids) living with disabilities (but dont qualify for disability aid) my ObamaCare plan cost was cut in half but then when unemployment ran out i lose the subsidy but i get waiver from the tax penalty.. (ooohhh How is that supposed to help me you govt fools? I need medical care and Rx NOW! and since ObamaCare has gone mainstream my local free clinic closed its doors... Our leaders have made this worse! (end of rant).


allow us to make our own choices for once. this is a free country. the government has more to worry about than our health than our debt to the world. close the trading and make things like we did before, the old American way. if I'm wrong tell me.
