(HD 720p) On The Street Where You Live - My Fair Lady

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Song from the Broadway musical "My Fair Lady" sung by the character Freddy Eynsford-Hill. Presented in its theatrical form from a video clip from the 1964 movie version and its popular standard sung by Vic Damone.

The character Freddy Eynsford-Hill was portrayed by the British actor Jeremy Brett. Although a singer in his own right, his singing voice for the film was dubbed by Bill Shirley, an American singer-actor.
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I enjoyed this movie but I absolutely adored Jeremy Brett's performance - what a handsome talent! If there are otherJeremy Brett fans reading this - wasn't he fabulous as Sherlock Holmes inthe PBS series? May he rest in peace.


I remember reading the postscript that Shaw was badgered into writing, Eliza indeed married Freddy, and together they borrowed money from Colonel Pickering so they could open a flower shop.


She did, though. George Bernard Shaw said in the notes of the original play that she did marry Freddy and have a flower shop just as she wanted. The relationship between her and Higgins was always meant to be platonic, as much as they loved each other.


If Jeremy William Huggins Jeremy Brett) appeared outside my door even singing this song in his own voice, I would be more than delighted . . .


I may faint and never wake if a man were to go and sing this outside my door at night.


I'm gonna get in trouble for saying this, but too bad, here goes. I love this song, I love this character, I love this actor. I simply must say of all the men I've ever been attracted to he is my first pick. He is handsome in the extreme, has a noble bearing, this regal stature, perfect posture, gorgeous features, excellent speech you name it, he's got it. I had this tremendous crush on him for several years, and I'm not a groupie, but I will say I'm a fanboy, and a hopeless romantic. He was just so beautiful, we'll miss him sorely, God bless and rest his soul. Ok I'll stop gushing now, apologies.


I loved JB as Sherlock Holmes. But when I saw the film My Fair Lady, I was blown away. Whether that was his singing voice or not. He was just gorgeous *swoon*


Funny how in the movie this romance never materialized. Too bad, I love this song. One of the best musicals ever made.


Although Im a guy and this is sort of known as a chick flick...I love this movie and song. I have watched MFL at least a dozen times. It never ages...Classy, clever, comical and thoroughly endearing. It was my moms favorite movie and after she passed in 2008, its a piece of her I keep with me...And always will.


Absolutely a beautiful song! One of my all time favorites.


I felt in love with this actor ever since I saw this movie for the very first time long time ago when i was 17


My parents owned this album and as a child this was always my favorite song. It still is. CHILLS.


This was a beautiful scene from a truly beautiful movie. I think "My Fair Lady" was one of Warner Brothers best movies.


Lovely Jeremy Brett, the better Sherlock of the History ❤️ and an adorable partner for dear Audrey. Thanks for sharing.


this is so enchanting!  exactly how falling in love feels.  i simply adore the freddy eynsford-hill version, even if it was dubbed.


this was my beloved mums favourite song from her favourite musical, sadly she died in 1987, listening to it brings tears to my eyes, god bless you mum I miss you so much.


When she mentioned how her aunt bit off the spoon,  
She completely done me in. 
And my heart went on a journey to the moon,
When she told about her father and the gin. 
And I never saw a more enchanting farce 
Than that moment when she shouted 
"move your bloomin' ".... 
I have often walked down this street before; 
But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before. 
All at once am I Several stories high. 
Knowing I'm on the street where you live. 
Are there lilac trees in the heart of town? 
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town? 
Does enchantment pour Out of ev'ry door? 
No, it's just on the street where you live! 
And oh! The towering feeling 
Just to know somehow you are near. 
The overpowering feeling 
That any second you may suddenly appear! 
People stop and stare. They don't bother me. 
For there's no where else on earth that I would rather be. 
Let the time go by, I won't care if I 
Can be here on the street where you live.


What a perfect voice & so very handsome !


FYI, Freddy's singing voice was done by Bill Shirley aka Prince Phillip from Disney's Sleeping Beauty.


Oh my. What a BEAUTIFUL LOVELY VOICE! OH MY GOSH! My heart...<3
