Here's How To Build A 40x60 Steel Building In 6 minutes!

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Watch this COMPLETE 40x60 STEEL BUILDING get built from the ground up. The concrete work was done in December by T&J Construction, then Jay Dinkel Construction joined forces with Bob's Custom Cabinets to put up the building the next August, all a timelapse under 6 minutes! Total build time was about 5 weeks.

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#steelbuildings #constructiontimelapse #construction

Songs used in this video: MUUMMLKUZEE4JFPZ and XTJC0JKLSEX8QGJG

Assista a este EDIFÍCIO COMPLETO DE AÇO 40x60 sendo construído a partir do zero. O trabalho de concreto foi feito em dezembro pela T&J Construction, então a Jay Dinkel Construction uniu forças com a Bob's Custom Cabinets para erguer o prédio em agosto próximo, tudo em um lapso de tempo inferior a 6 minutos! O tempo total de construção foi de cerca de 5 semanas.

Посмотрите, как это ПОЛНОЕ СТАЛЬНОЕ ЗДАНИЕ 40x60 строится с нуля. Бетонные работы были выполнены в декабре компанией T&J Construction, затем Jay Dinkel Construction объединила усилия с Bob's Custom Cabinets, чтобы построить здание в августе следующего года, и все это за 6 минут! Общее время сборки составило около 5 недель.

شاهد هذا المبنى الفولاذي الكامل مقاس 40x60 يتم بناؤه من الألف إلى الياء. تم الانتهاء من العمل الخرساني في ديسمبر من قبل T&J Construction ، ثم انضم Jay Dinkel Construction مع Bob's Custom Cabinets لإنشاء المبنى في أغسطس القادم ، وكل ذلك في أقل من 6 دقائق! كان إجمالي وقت الإنشاء حوالي 5 أسابيع.

Подивіться, як ця СТАЛЕВА БУДІВЛЯ 40x60 будується з нуля. Бетонні роботи були виконані в грудні компанією T&J Construction, а потім Jay Dinkel Construction об’єднала зусилля з Bob's Custom Cabinets, щоб звести будівлю в серпні наступного року, і все за проміжок часу менш ніж за 6 хвилин! Загальний час виготовлення склав близько 5 тижнів.

Hãy xem TÒA NHÀ THÉP 40x60 HOÀN CHỈNH này được xây dựng từ đầu. Công việc đổ bê tông được T&J Construction thực hiện vào tháng 12, sau đó Jay Dinkel Construction hợp tác với Bob's Custom Cabinets để xây dựng tòa nhà vào tháng 8 năm sau, tất cả đều được rút ngắn thời gian dưới 6 phút! Tổng thời gian xây dựng là khoảng 5 tuần.

Bu KOMPLE 40x60 ÇELİK BİNA'nın sıfırdan inşa edilmesini izleyin. Beton işleri Aralık ayında T&J İnşaat tarafından yapıldı, ardından Jay Dinkel İnşaat, Bob'un Özel Kabinleri ile güçlerini birleştirerek binayı gelecek Ağustos'ta 6 dakikadan kısa bir sürede kurdu! Toplam yapım süresi yaklaşık 5 haftaydı.
Tonton BANGUNAN BAJA 40x60 LENGKAP ini dibangun dari bawah ke atas. Pekerjaan beton dilakukan pada bulan Desember oleh T&J Construction, kemudian Jay Dinkel Construction bergabung dengan Bob's Custom Cabinets untuk membangun gedung tersebut pada bulan Agustus mendatang, semuanya dalam waktu kurang dari 6 menit! Total waktu pembuatan sekitar 5 minggu.
Рекомендации по теме

great video👍🏻👍🏻 I've been doing this job for 26 years. It never gets boring. We manufacture the steel construction ourselves and then completely assemble the halls. i love this job Greetings from Germany.✌️


Building buildings seems so simple in locations that don't freeze in winter.


I think I was happier to see concrete done correctly than anything else. Screeding and doing it right, machining with the proper pattern…be still my heart.


False advertisement. It took me 7 minutes to build my steel building following this video.


This would be the perfect building for me. I need one of these!


As always friend, polished and loaded with great action. The dissection of the angles with variety in shots is killer content!!! Bravo on a job well done.


How much was the cost for this building and cement pad?


Good work! 👏🏼 Always making it look so easy.


I could see doing one of these for my retirement home. But the cost is a concern to be sure. Great job with the video. Truly.


Outstanding Jerett. Hapoy to know ya and chat tech with you. You and TimeLapse Content are a perfect pair in the industry.


Darn nice .
Brings back memories good ones


I've had a large red iron building built for me, and I've built 1 red iron building myself. This one looks well done, but I noticed the wall purlin spacing looked kind of skimpy. I would expect one at 3 - 4 feet, and 1 at 7-8 ft.


Can this be built with just the concrete perimeter for uprights then pour floor later?


Is there any videos installing insulation by chance start to finish?


Красиво работаете, быстро, чётко. Вся беда что у нас в РФ такие маленькие здания на столько качественно очень мало кто готов заказывать:(


Trencher for the footings is interesting. 18”x18” is often required.


Хорошо, когда снега нет. Не надо заморачиваться на счет снеговой нагрузки.


I didn't see any services prepped or run Into the building. Also, can you tell us how many y ma hours are involved, equipment rental costs, etc?


The most important question nobody asked; how much


This would be great for a restaurant idea I have. Does anyone know what an average cost of this building would be?
