We Switched Chicken Feed... Heres what Happened...

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We Switched Chicken Feed... Heres what Happened...

Have your Hens slowed down egg laying? Ours did and then we switched from the cheaper Tractor supply feed to the purina brand and our hens have over doubled their egg production.
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One of my good friends who has 60 chickens and 15 ducks said for MONTHS now he has not got a single egg. He used commercial feed from Tractor Supply. I told him about all of this going on, and he went to a local mill where they make dog food and various other types of food for animals and use local ingredients, and he said within 5 days of swapping feed, all his chickens and ducks are producing about an egg a day now. Something is definitely going on. Seems like every day I trust our government and these elites less and less.


Just to let you know, Purina makes both of those feeds! My recommendation is that you go to a local feed store, and buy local whole-grain feed.


Hi, Glad your egg production is better. I have had chickens, since I was 8 yrs old, now 73. Just a few suggestions, things I've been doing for years. In winter, I buy the birds cabbage, any other green leafy vegetables, I give them cut up apples, safe table scraps, ....sometimes a a small amount of dog food, soaked. I make sure they have a dust bath, consisting of saltless sand, wood ashe, diatomaceous earth. I also have oyster shell, in separate container free choice, and gravel, FOR their gizzard. I'm also a retired zoo keeper. Right now I have around 40 layer type birds, .... and around 30 different bantams. All the best, you have a nice flock.


I have Easter Eggers that lay the green eggs. Also, we add to our chicken feed during the winter months. We add black oil sunflower seeds and whole oats. Our hens love it and never slow down. Just remember, sometimes their little bodies need a break.


I bought some rice at the market... swap meet... old... a little out of date... I cook the bag with whatever veggies I had left over... and made a giant pot of super fun. My chickens now see me coming and come a running... I do this often... about once or twice a week... I get at least one egg or about 20 to 23 a day... doing this... out of 24 hens... We buy just simple scratch... and add extras from the house... We eat... they eat... God is good and they are blessed, as they keep laying and we keep giving them away to others... Thank you Lord for every egg.


The chicken with the dark body and orange heads is your blue egg layer. We have 6. They all have kind of hawk-like colors (not just solid). They are Americaunas. Our production is similar. We’ll let you know!


Yep. We get our feed, scratch, grit, treats and bedding from the local small, family-owned feed store. We simply bump up the scratch and supplements during winter, so not only do they stay warmer, but egg production hasn't declined hardly at all. We get all our produce locally and they get all the *safe* scraps. Finally, we clean, dry and bake all the eggshells, then break them up as fine as possible and add it back into the feed for calcium.


I’ve had great success with Nature’s Best Organic Scratch grains lately. My 3 chickens love it and it’s good for them.


You are exactly right about producers Pride making your egg production completely stop. We lost our Entire quantity of dozens right before Christmas of this year, we switched our food and we are now having them start to lay. It was shocking the change that happened overnight, they went from big fat biddy's, to little skinny Minis.. talk about frustrating devastating and a waste of money!!! I was wondering if this was happening to anyone else and clearly it is, so many people are sharing post like yourself, thank you for taking the time to share


Make your own. Black sunflowers seeds, whole oats, millet, flax seed and maybe some corn if you want to add it.


I watched another video from another content creator. She had similar issues in September and October. She did some investigating and determined that England’s Best, the largest commercial egg production company, actually bought Purina in 2022. It would definitely benefit Eggland’s Best if we all had to buy their eggs because everyone’s hens stopped producing.


This is our first year with 7 Hens and they'd been on dumor non gmo since finishing chick starter. We were getting up to 5 during the summer and then it stopped to a max of 2 eggs. We just assumed it was a winter thing. After reading about other people's problems we decided to try nature smart organic layer feed. we're now getting up to 6 eggs/day (average 4/day) and my Americaunas are laying blue eggs again after not having any since August!


Heads up. That Dumor is owned by the same company that owns Purina.


We did the same. We quit using Dumore and went to a local mill and had our own mix of whole grains made up for us. We went from 1 egg a week to 14 a day from 20 hens. It took about 2 weeks for them to start laying again. Our girls are 1 year old. We don't go to TS for anything any longer. All their feed is made by Purina.


Thank you for posting this. We really appreciate it. We're just getting ready to build a coupe and start chickens, but we did hear about the problem with the feed. Practical experience really helps. May God continue to bless all of your efforts.


We have 15 hens and 1 rooster. We haven't got 1 egg in 3 months. We buy that TS feed. Randomly we got feed from another place and are getting 12 a day now. I had no idea this was going on until today. But it all makes sense now. Thanks for sharing.


Just started my first flock a few weeks ago! Loving all you guys and this community for all the help in raising chickens and all the different feed options since they sabotaged us! Keep it doing, Thanks!


I did this a month ago. I have over 30 hens and was getting less than 8 eggs a day. Once I changed to a local laying pellet, I was back to average 24 eggs a day.


You likely have either an Ameraucana or Easter Egger hen in your flock…or at least one that’s a cross. Ameraucana’s lay eggs like the one you’re getting, and the EE’s egg color varies more from blue to olive green. Both breeds have fluffy cheeks and most often have beards too. Their combs are small. I usually always have 1 or 2 Ameraucana hens in our flock as they’re docile, friendly and hardy. I tried to see which one in your flock looked like the Ameraucana, but I didn’t get a good enough look at them. Just look for some fluffy cheeks and some fluff under the chin! ☺️


We had a very similar situation happen with our hens. After changing their feed now we are also getting a least double the amount of eggs daily. Thanks for the video.
