American Reacts to Canada's World War 3 Plan

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As an American I am very curious to hear about Canada's world war 3 plans should the unlikely scenario ever happen. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!
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Tyler, this is what sources have to say about the Infographics Show, who published this video: it's an American Youtube channel out of Detroit (how that makes them an authority on the state of the Canadian military is beyond me) and their narrator is a Slovenian-American computer scientist (Andrej Preston) or others. The accuracy of their information can vary and there are concerns regarding the reliability of its information; especially on topics related to politics and military history. General opinion on Reddit is that its quality has dropped considerably in recent years. It is recommended to crosscheck facts from other sources. As a Canadian, I give this video absolutely no credence and suggest you look for more accurate info from other sources.


Canada can give a hell of a lot more than moral support. Seems to me when the US was dragged into World War II unwillingly I might add they became ready in a very short period of time and as a Canadian I can tell you when called upon we will deliver


Our military may not be the best but never underestimate us
Every war that we've been involved in, we do extremely well, we just don't feel the need to brag about it


Tyler you are missing a very important point here. Canada has just slightly less population than California, but a land mass greater the US. Could California supply the US's military needs? NO. Also, our main source of revenue is natural resources, which isn't exactly a hugely profitable source of income.
I don't think that we are being wrong in saying that we won't spend 2% of our GDP on military, it's just that we have so many other things that need to be done as well. Just given our size, our infrastructure is more expensive than many other countries (again could California provide all the money needed for the entire US infrastructure). We are trying, although it could be said that we could try a little harder.
Also I am not a political studies major, nor an economic major. Just a guy with some thoughts and opinions, and I admit that I may be completely wrong in my thinking. But this is my two cents worth.


A big reason Canada views the military differently is how Canada was during both world wars, we bled for other countries for years and years, in defence of the crown of England. We paid a huge price for other countries security, we remember our fallen, our. Culture is one around remembering the cost of war not glorifying battles. When we talk about out battles we talk about the ones we lost to buy peace, we dont glorify how many we killed. We know we killed them, they know it too, hence all the bloodthristy canada memes around the world wars. We do not go to war to make empire, we do not go to war to force our ideology, we do not go to war to enforce trade sanctions, we go to war to defend others amd ourselves, thats what we were taught about ourselves, thats how we talk about ourselves. Its the reason why Canada was such a big part of the U.N. peacekeepers, because we believe in peace, even if that peace requires soldiers to defend it.


Hey there, I'm a 54-year-old male from Canada and I've lived right beside one of Canada's largest military bases my entire life, CFB Petawawa. Our military has had its fair share of scandals, but I believe on the hole we have The best training program . Many American soldiers come up here to train Under us, and by and large they've always been great in our community our community . It has been a well-known fact for quite some time that our military is not as strong as others, but when it comes to standing to the line, we tend to dominate in that area. In my humble opinion of course


IMO as a Canadian, I think most citizens don’t think we are a threat to anyone. We don’t have Countries hating us for our PM, even though Canadians do lol. Our Country stays out of drama until we are brought into it.


18:02 You hit the nail on the head. We don't have much worry about military spending because, as you asked, "Who would attack Canada?" It's not just the repercussions. We have people living here from all over the world. Invading Canada would be a direct attack on their own kin. Who would attack Canada when the world is getting letters home that say "It's beautiful and oh, so very peaceful here."

Chinese-Canadians are 4.7% of our population alone with over 450 ethnic or cultural backgrounds present.


Canada's troops are among the best in the world! The problem is our government and it's waste of monies is a bigger problem ask any veterans waiting for benefits.


The majority of Canadians are not ok with this, that must have been a Uber liberal poll.


We don't make enemies the way the US does. I prefer our taxes go to health care.


This video is out of date, Canada has agreed to reach the 2% goal of GDP and is having to do significant upgrades. Governments since the end of the Cold War have been pulling money from the military which basically destroyed our procurement program. Our military is in the worst state it’s been for a very long time but in the 2040s it should all be sorted out. The Canadian government has never done anything quickly. The Canadian military still has an incredible fighting culture which basically means that if they’re tasked with something it will get done.


You made a very important point. You said “If they were in their right mind”. Dictators are not and that’s scary


another country must not be allowed to tell another country what to do. We do have excellent fighters we do not talk about them, it is highly illogical for our country Canada to openly discuss war plans with anyone. If every human stepped into Integrity war would not exist.


Ever since 1958 we have not been allowed to make our own military equipment. We have had to buy your cast offs. With the price going up all the time we end up buying less and less. True, we do not have to be the biggest, we just have to be the meanest.


The President in 1958 promised Canada full protection for ever.


This video is out of date. Read "Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada’s Defence" published in April, 2024. The plan (subject to change after the next election) is to invest $8.1 billion over five years and $73 billion over 20 years.


You don't want Canada involved in WW3. When the music starts and you hear ''O CANADA! HECK YEAH!'' you know you're in for a bad time...


One huge difference about Cdn military. I was a Mobile Support Equipment Operator. Otherwise known as MSE OP 935. We are trained on all equipment. If it has wheels, we learn how to drive it. Refilling aircraft, snow removal, roads and airport runaways and aprons, ambulances- road and crash, buses, vans, cars, 3 tons and 2 1/2 tons. The US military trains people on one thing, and that is all they drive. There is sexual abuse in all militaries. Male US soldiers don't have clean hands either. There are known cases that have been in the news from USA. Canada's cases blew out of the water because of the Colonel that was a Base Commander that was charged with Rape, Murder and Voyeurism. A lot of people will not join the military while Trudeau is Prime Minister.


As a Canadian I would just like to point out that America doesn't like us to have things better than them. Hence our decommissioned airforce and nuclear arsenal. Can't complain after telling us not to have those things when we no longer have those things.
