How to use App Engine blobstore in Flask apps (Module 15)

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Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. In Module 15, Google engineers Martin & Wesley show viewers how to add App Engine Blobstore usage to the existing baseline app from Module 0. In the following video, we'll convert it to using Cloud Storage instead.

0:00 - Introduction
0:58 - This migration is slightly different…
1:30 - Considerations for Python 3 developers
2:45 - Overview of today's migration
3:35 - Add usage of App Engine Blobstore
8:34 - Summary

Module 15 resources:

Serverless Migration Station:

App Engine and Cloud Storage:

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I wish I understood what the video is about 🥹
