Vac Attack - Putrid Power (Grossery Gang Action Figure) Moose Toy Review

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Vac Attack is an exclusive Clean Team Grossery, and one mean vacuum cleaner! He's the ultimate villain, threatening the Grossery Gang and fighting to take over cheap town.

He's a direct counter-point to the slimy and gross food items and comes packaged with a solid plastic, exclusive Grossery Gang Vac Attack.

See the photos and reviews here:

AKA: Oh Great And Shiny One
Don't mess with this sucker! Vac Attack's mission is to suck up the muck and tidy the trash! Hey may look spotless but his hands are definitely not clean! The Grossery Gang had better watch out because he's one mean cleaning machine who's out to stop the slop one sticky stain at a time! Get ready to fight dirty!

Vac Attack is an evil vacuum cleaner. His coloration envelops him like a widow's peak hairstyle. He has an open mouth in a frown and squinted angry black eyes.

However, most of the time, he appears as a full-bodied character. This makes his standard self resemble his head, which is slightly more rounded. He has a hatched stomach with a release button, and a vacuum nozzle replacing one of his hands. He has a backpack with four vacuum tubes attached to his back as well.

Vac Attack is similar to Vile Vacuum, a Trashie from Series 4 of Trash Pack. He also resembles Vicky Vac, a Season 3 Shopkin.

He is the leader of the Clean Team. However, there are hints that he works for Overlord.
In the webseries, he is voiced by Kyle Hebert.

He is able to suck up smaller Grosseries and store them in his stomach compartment. The button on the front of it allows them to escape.

In The Grossery Gang: Bug Strike, he was replaced by Gen. Arak Attack as the main villain of the franchise.

This happened again in Series 5, where Gen. Arak Attack was replaced by Cyber-Slop Pizza.
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This is a toy line sorely lacking in villains, and while I have all of them (Time Wars thankfully gave us two villains) it's still only four versus sixteen good guy characters. So since villains seem to be dictated by eye color, you could pretend that the characters with _yellow_ eyes are evil henchmen, adding Blowfly, Pirate Sharrrk, and Spewy Loo to the bad guy roster, slightly tipping the odds at seven versus thirteen.


They did vac attack so dirty in the web-series/the movie
