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"Like Father Like Son" is the debut single from Struggle Jennings's "Return of the Outlaw" EPon Slumerican Records!


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Never knew my old man, he's been in the pen most of my life. Followed his footsteps for years until I started having sons of my own. I watch my youngest imitate everything I do and it keeps me grounded. I always knew growing up that I wouldn't let the cycle curse my own kids. I'm immensely thankful for the fact that so far I've been able to be the man they need me to be. Every choice I make is to ensure that they see a man who works hard, has respect, and treats people fairly because that's what I want them to be.


My son will be nine years old this September and I haven’t heard or seen him in 3 years this November. His mother’s other father of her daughter keeps my son away from me. I’ve never done anything to harm my son but be try to be a father to my son. I am homeless and since I’ve be out of prison since 2012 I had jobs left and right cause of my past and I don’t let that get me down I keep moving forward and pay my child support with whatever I have to give. It’s getting harder for me to get back on my feet and have a life with my son. I pray every morning and thank the lord for blessing me another day to provide for my son. I hope he’ll remember me and want to find me and we can be father and son. I love you son


Breaking the cycle is never too late. Just feels overwhelming most days. I've been tired of being just like my dad in some ways. My dad is a great man but his demons became my demons. I can't pass them onto my kids so I fight to be better everyday! Thank you Struggle for your music but more then that, thank you for showing us all it's never too late to change! None of us are too far gone. Just day by day, we strive to better ourselves and our families!


Goddam STRUGGLE! I am so proud of you my brother. Hank Williams III said "every generation gets the outlaw they deserve ". We definitely DESERVE you my brother!!


"a chapter ends, a saga starts, I became a man with the last beat of my fathers heart " some of the truest lyrics I've ever heard on any song by anyone. My father has been gone since a week before my 13th birthday, 23 years now. Truer words have never been spoken.


Someone sent me the "God We Need You Now, " song, and I've been hooked ever since! I listen to it every morning as my morning prayer!! Stay true, and stand strong!! You are truly one of God's Angels!!


Me and my buddy ran into Struggle Jennings today at a spring in north Florida, we had a whole conversation with them while waiting in line and my buddy was like “you really look like Struggle Jennings” and he’s like “yeah that’s cause I am” and it was just such a beautiful moment, it was today that I discovered him and tuned into his awesome music


But can we just take a second to appreciate Josh Hedley's chilling vocals. Jesus.


I told myself I'd never fallow in my father's footsteps but I can't change my path im the same man as My father and idk how to change it this song speaks to me I'm the exact same way


4:34 " Family first, don't forget where you come from"
Struggle definitely walked the walked and is true to who he is


I am the man I am today because of my father...the good and the bad. I cant think of a better man to learn from. "i became a man with the last beat of my fathers heart." what a powerful line.


Chorus gives me chills every time I hear this. Struggle’s words put me in a lyrical trance. Love your music Struggle! 👍🏻🔥❤️


West Virginia here thanks for given outlaws a voice again struggle we missed you


that shit was a son of a fallen outlaw myself i feel ya on this shit bro i really do ...


This song reminds me of my grampa that passed away back in 2013. I was never an angry person until he passed. His death really changed me and at a young age I truly saw how the real world was at a super young age.


Struggle Jennings Keep making the good choices in life. From this song you've showed me to spend time with your dad while he is still with you. My grandpa is slowly passing away from a disease. My mom is having a hard time, and so am I. I lost my puppy a few weeks ago. And I lost my dog last year. I lost my aunt last year too. I found out that my grandpa had a disease last year on the same day I found out my aunt died. We just have to stay strong. Spend time with family and pets while you can. Every moment counts, and make every moment an amazing one.


"I became a man with the last beat of my fathers heart" felt that shot on another level man


Incredible music. It is such a shame we don’t hear these songs on the radio. Struggle, you are making the music people want to hear.


This song brings me to tears every time man I lost both of my brothers to the streets. This song speaks to all the "OUTLAWS" out here!!💪


Struggle Jennings been a fan since day 1 but my dad just passed away and this song just help's me deal with it and it's from the heart!
