PROOF real SUPERHEROES EXIST!(mission rescue innocent girl)🦸 #signalforhelp #tiktok #shorts

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Tiktok can actually be beneficial as seen with the viral sos hand signal taken from American sign language, developed by the Canadian women's foundation. This charity focusing on all things domestic. There have been multiple cases on the news, especially in the usa and canada, where agression as well as abductions were prevented through hand gestures.
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THIS GIRL was about to be KIDNAPPED...

LINK is ON the ACTUAL VIDEO - UNDERNEATH THE TITLE (at the bottom of the screen)



He was getting REALLY bold towards the end. He wasn't even trying to hide it! Thank goodness she found someone to help her!


Good man...I was followed once . I asked for help from a young man, he immediately ended his phone call, turned around and walked me back to work. I will never forget him


I walk all the time on recreational paths near my home. I see people and kids there all the time. Being an old guy the teens often ignore me as they are consumed in their own activities, that’s ok, I am also.
One day two tween to teen girls approached me. As they got closer they turned and followed me along the path. I didn’t think too much of it as people often just walk out and back and need to turnaround somewhere.
They trailed me for about 50 yards and then came up behind me quickly. I started to say, “What is going on?” and then I noticed a disheveled man lurking off the side of the trail behind them. I hadn’t seen him in the woods as we passed.
The girls rushed right up to me and one actually grabbed my arm at first I thought I was going to be the victim of some attack. But then she said “he’s following us, we’re scared and we can’t turnaround to go home.“ The man approached all three of us with a deranged look on his face.
I squared up to him and said, “turn around and walk away. I am armed and if you come any closer I will stop you.” He stopped, yelled and swore at me that he wasn’t doing anything. I told him to go somewhere else and not do anything. He swore some more but we stood our ground and he finally left.
The two young girls were overjoyed and I volunteered to walk them home safely.
I see them infrequently on the path or in the neighborhood and they always notice me now and say hi. BTW- I wasn’t armed, I could have been but wasn’t that day, but the bluff worked.


I witnessed people being followed 2 times. One time i was coming back with my ex after clubbing and woman was being chased by a group of young men AND a woman saying to go back with her and they wanted to do stuff to her. She stood by us and had tears in her eyes. She found a cab and disappeared to her hotel safely. Another time I was walking at night with the same ex and a young man started walking next to us because a group of young gangsta wannabes was following him and threatening him. They left him eventually. This ex of mine was quite tall and big. He passed away sadly… but I guess because of him 2 people got to safety. Bless his soul


Ladies never be afraid to ask a man for help . Worst case, you have a second person to scream with you.


Excellent situational awareness on her part. Joe is a straight up good dude as well. Even Joe's dog was on alert.


I had a girl like 16 come to me and my dog in the streets and said "Please help me, this guy is following me", with a reflex I put my arm in 1 second around her to hug her, started chattering like we where sisters and best known to each other and guided her 10 min home with my dog. The man was away then. She was save at home.


A guy once tail gated my Wife from Colorado Springs to Ellicott Colorado ( 30 miles). She stopped at the gas station, she took out her EDC (Every Day Carry), stroked the barrel lovingly, and he drove off. You may not always have a stranger to help you. But Smith and Wesson will always be there for you.


thank you, Joe, for being there when someone needed you.


Men make sure women are safe...real men! ..


Ive had this happen to me and it was actually a lady who was walking her dog that noticed and ran up to me and pretended to know me and at first i was confused but she leaned in and quickly said youre being followed by the guy in the brown shirt and hat and i turned and he was just standing there as if he was looking for and address but as we walked he started following us until i think her husband came down a driveway and headed straight towards the man. I guess the woman had told him on the phone ehat was happening. This woman and her husband turned out to be my neighbors . I had just moved there two weeks before so she recognized him as not being regular to the neighborhood. Thank god for everyday heroes


This happened to me some years ago. When I finally got tired of crossing the street to get away from him, I shocked him by turning around and confronting him. I called him all kinds of names, asked him why he was following me. He was so thrown off guard by the confrontation, he walked away. I felt so shaken by this encounter, my adrenaline was racing!!!


Once when i was driving after work i was stopped at a light and the guy in the lane next to me was looking at me. I nodded, to be nice, and he proceeded to follow me. Luckily i was heading to the gym, he followed me there and once i parked he parked a few lanes over. I stayed in my car until a guy in a big truck parked next to me. I got out when the truck guy got out and said "I'm so glad you parked there, that guy has been following me." Truck guy saw the creep staring and thought he was staring at him. I saw the car leave as the truck guy and I were walking to the entrance. I watched for the creep after that, but never saw him again. Everyone, be aware of your surroundings, never just walk and stare at your phone


I like joe because you can tell he scoped out the situation before it even arrived to him. very alert and ready to help.


Had a near miss a few weeks back. I needed to do some shopping for upholstery and my gps took me to an industrial part of town. As I drove along the railway frontage street, a white pick up truck noticed I was traveling slowly, and decided to follow me. When I pulled into head-in parking in front of the shop, dude stopped his truck very close behind me. I found a way to get out, and booked it.
But I didn’t want to give up on my shopping assignment, so I went around the block and hid my car behind the dumpster wall of the employee parking lot, and entered and exited through the back warehouse door. (Explaining to the staff that I was being followed.) After I checked out, two women staffers watched me until I got to my car and left safely. 100% sure this was attempt at kidnapping


This does happen, as a teenager I was followed around cardiff shopping centre, I was on my own and this foreign guy that was 30/40 started following me, I sensed I was being followed so I purposely stopped at various shop windows and watched him stop close to me. In the end I confronted him and told him to stop following me or I'd call the police. He mumbled sorry and walked off. I waited and finally made it home safe. Over the years I thought I should have gone into one of the stores and asked security for help.


I love how she goes over to him and then walks away a little bit, and he proceeds to tell her to stay with him, reassuring her trust, such a king move.


The fact that these stalkers immediately get scared as soon as there's another man involved says a lot about their self confidence


I had a woman follow me all the way home, when my oldest was a newborn. Apparently she wanted to see the baby, please be aware of people around you. UPS came to deliver a pkg. I was feeding her, so he said he would sign it. I took the pkg set it down & pushed the door closed. I heard a knock & thought he forgot something, when I opened the door she ran in, thankfully after speaking with her for several minutes she left. Lesson learned.
