Edexcel GCSE Maths Practice test set 1a short form – Foundation paper 1F MDDM

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This is a revision half paper from Edexcel. The have split the original paper to make an equal split in difficulty. They are excellent revision for any series of exams.
Solutions are my own, so may contain errors.
A blank copy of the paper can be found here:
To get the most out of the video, I would recommend you attempt the questions before watching the solutions.
Any issues, questions or problems, please comment and I will get back to you.
Time stamp-
0:00 Introduction
0:55 1 Ordering integers
1:29 2 Fractions, percentages and decimals
1:38 3 Ratio
2:01 4 Directed numbers
2:32 5 Bar charts
3:22 6 Solve linear equations
3:44 7 Perimeter and area
4:44 8 Sample space diagrams
6:44 9 Percentages
8:27 10 Graphs of linear equations
12:18 11 Translations
14:14 12 Bounds
14:56 13 Frequency diagrams
18:11 14 Index laws
18:37 Closing remarks

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