Identify WSB Meme-Stocks: Count the number of company mentions (R analysis, part 1)

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We use library(RedditExtractoR) to extract comments from r/wallstreetbets. We match it with stock symbol data from NASDAQ (and NYSE and AMEX) to count the number of mentions. Could this be used to identify the next Meme stocks?

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You have great content, Stats in R + Finance is what I was looking for. I think there will be great interest for your videos if you upload on a regular basis.


Hello Martin. Thank you for the video, that's great. Could you please tell me, what kind of change and in which line should i do if i want to analyze data from february like you did. You used page_threshold 100, but if i use it today, it will give me recent data. How can i choose the comments from exact date in the past? Thank you!
