Best Troop to use at EVERY HQ Level in Boom Beach!

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The best attack strategy and troop combination at every HQ level in Boom Beach!

Use code: "cosmic" in ANY Supercell shop to boost us!

Main Task Force: 92CPRY2U
Mini Task Force: PLQGYJU9

Boom Beach is a strategy game and combines attacks on other players with attacks against computer based bases. The game's story-line is set in a tropical archipelago with the player on an island with defenses and troops (similar to the gameplay in Supercell's Clash of Clans game) Players can build their base, upgrading their defenses and other buildings, and unlock troop upgrades. Boom Beach includes single player campaign play as well as the ability to attack other players in multiplayer mode. It has been a top 10 game in 22 countries at its launch. The game pits the player vs. an enemy known as "The Blackguard" who are often represented by Lt. Hammerman. Apart from the main aspect of the game, there is also a cooperative form where you create task forces. Everyone must gather Intel (whether it be by surviving or ordering attacks, or by rewards), where then upper classed players then attack bases. Each attack lasts a day, with a varying amount of Intel in order to initiate, and the bases are separated from archipelago. (Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.)

Outro song
Track: Sk-Hall & Ludwiig - New Beginning [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

#boombeach #cosmicduo #supercell
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Hey guys this video took a while to make, so if you found it helpful consider subscribing! Hope you all enjoyed :D


You can use warriors all of the way up. I’m at 1400+ vp and have mainly used warriors up to this point


I’ve found that warriors are op if you have a big enough map to work with because of their insane DPS and movement speed, I like them better than pure heavies but they’re not always better


Cosmic: Warriors are bad until smoke

Me: wait what? i use warriors at hq level 8-


It's weird how the sky shield doesn't block the bombardiers


I still use warriors at hq24. I dont really come across alot of players with shield gens as im at a low trophy range. Warriors are the best for quick farming and no waiting times


Been playing on and off for years now, I think my HQ is 19. Gotta say grenariers are the way to go. Practically mastered them and been using them forever now. Sometimes I switch to a tank comp but honestly I dislike most other unit combos. Especially the ones where i have to smoke to the HQ. If you know the grenadiers weaknesses you can beat most bases with low or even no losses.


11-13 Tanks
14-21 Warriors
21-24 Bombardiers


I disagree with the warriors part. In my starting over account, im using warriors from hq 8 up to now hq 12. I 'm level 29 and i have 393 victory points and storages constantly full except for gold. My landing crafts are all level 11 and my usual strategy is flank the base and destroy what's needed for warriors to succeed. They don't suck you just need to know how to play without smoke. big ups cosmic 💯💯


Watched this vid a while back -> upgraded my warriors -> wiped half my archipelago, thanks :)


Zookas are op in hq5

I have taken out hq8s and hq9s

They outrange the defences


Christian you should do a video showing your statues on your low level so people know what kind of statues you want more of and what the max percentage is for them


Dude, I’m telling you, all rifle men strat is underrated. Like I’m almost clearing my entire map with these guys! I’m at level 32 keep in mind, but like, my boats aren’t even leveled up enough to carry two tanks and I’m cleaning up people. The cannons of both kinds do like nothing to slow me down, you just have to be sure to shock mortars and rocket launchers


I am a HQ 23 and I use a combination of 3 boats of tanks, 4 boats of bombardiers and a boat of medics with bullit and energy drink. I'm almost ready to move on to HQ 24.


Warriors are OP with Brick’s Battle Orders ability! Do NOT underestimate them!


With the new meta, Scorcher + laser rangers is the best combo for HQ 19 to 21. Very effective and efficient if you don't have instant training because you get zero losses in most attacks.


I've been using tanks so far till hq level 18 but still it's the best combo I use so far.


I use as hero only Sparky because she create distractions by using critters. And as troops I use Heavies +bombardier +cryoneers +medics since I unlocked bombardier. And that winns at most bases no matter even boosted ice statues, but ofc I go with maxes troops stats and some more GBE to take down long range prototypes or shock launchers. THANKS FOR VIDEO 👍😎💪


I’m hq 24 and I’m yet to find a player base I can’t destroy with just riflemen and Everspark. With her critters, and gunboat critters, I wipe out my map routinely with them. Plus, they’re ready in minutes.


Him: Explains Grenadiers
Video: shows scorchers instead
