The Great Tribulation: The 7 Seals

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Perhaps among all issues related to end-time events, people struggle most with the idea that a loving God might pour out His wrath on the people of earth. Because we are no longer a biblically informed population (or Church for that matter!), we emotionally protest the idea of a God who brings a full and final punishment against those who have rejected and refused Him. Nonetheless, the Bible is clear that wrath is coming to planet earth. The period of God’s wrath being poured out upon the inhabitants of earth is known as The Great Tribulation. In this message, we witness the beginning of that wrath as the seven seals of Revelation 6 are opened. Be sobered by what is shared. Be prepared by examining your own heart to determine how to be prepared. Be encouraged that God’s people will never experience the fullness of His wrath because we are secured by God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
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I question myself everyday even more stupidly taking 1 vax
