Monitoring a JHipster microservice architecture in practice (Pierre Besson)

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Monitoring a JHipster microservice architecture in practice

In the age of microservices and dev-ops, having efficient monitoring tools is becoming more and more critical. Setting up and learning to master those tools has become necessary in order to allow developers to observe and keep control on their production systems.

This presentation will show the concrete use of such a system : the JHipster Console. A 100% open source monitoring solution developed as part of the JHipster project. We will see how the comparative study of logs, metrics and traces of your microservices can reveal a goldmine of operational data and greatly simplify debugging and scaling.

Pierre Besson, JHipster core team member is the principal developer of the JHipster Console, a monitoring solution based on Elasticsearch putting together the ELK stack, Zipkin and the built in JHipster code instrumentation.

Voxxed Days Microservices 2018: 2 days conference (+1 optional workshops day) only on Microservices.

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thank you for the excellent presentation.
