Episode 16 Regionality - Differences in taste by place of origin
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Welcome to our channel!
"Sake Basic Course for Busy People" is designed for people who work in restaurants, liquor shops, wholesalers, and anyone involved in the service and sales of Japanese sake. Not to mention, of course, for all sake lovers of the world!
Why is it "for busy people"?
We wanted to create a compact yet high-quality sake educational content for quick learning. The 25 episodes consist of simple and easy-to-understand explanations about sake, all of which are around 5 minutes or less. The course is filled with descriptive illustrations and episodes, inspiring more curiosity.
The knowledge you acquire will become an effective tool to enhance your communication with your customers, thereby providing a better service and eventually helping your sales.
Don't worry about it. Just give it a try!
We also offer a sake knowledge test, so please try it out! If you can score 80 points or above, you have passed the test, and you will receive a certificate of completion as an email attachment within a month. Please take the test after watching the videos and learning about sake. You can access the sake knowledge test from this link:
And don't forget to subscribe and give thumbs up if you liked the videos!
●This channel is operated by Women's association for Japanese SAKE & WINE Lovers.
"忙しい人のための日本酒基礎講座 "は、飲食店や酒屋、問屋など、日本酒のサービスや販売に関わる人を対象にしています。 もちろん、世界中の日本酒愛好家の皆さんにも。
私たちが目指したのは、コンパクトでありながら質の高い、短時間で学べる日本酒教育コンテンツです。 全25話は、日本酒に関するシンプルでわかりやすい説明で構成されており、すべて5分以内程度の時間で構成されています。 説明的なイラストやエピソードが盛り込まれており、より好奇心を刺激します。
日本酒の知識テストも行っていますので、ぜひチャレンジしてみてください。80点以上取れれば合格となり、1ヶ月以内に修了証をメールに添付してお送りします。 ビデオを見て日本酒の知識を身につけてからテストを受けてください。 日本酒の知識テストは、こちらのリンクからアクセスできます。
"Sake Basic Course for Busy People" is designed for people who work in restaurants, liquor shops, wholesalers, and anyone involved in the service and sales of Japanese sake. Not to mention, of course, for all sake lovers of the world!
Why is it "for busy people"?
We wanted to create a compact yet high-quality sake educational content for quick learning. The 25 episodes consist of simple and easy-to-understand explanations about sake, all of which are around 5 minutes or less. The course is filled with descriptive illustrations and episodes, inspiring more curiosity.
The knowledge you acquire will become an effective tool to enhance your communication with your customers, thereby providing a better service and eventually helping your sales.
Don't worry about it. Just give it a try!
We also offer a sake knowledge test, so please try it out! If you can score 80 points or above, you have passed the test, and you will receive a certificate of completion as an email attachment within a month. Please take the test after watching the videos and learning about sake. You can access the sake knowledge test from this link:
And don't forget to subscribe and give thumbs up if you liked the videos!
●This channel is operated by Women's association for Japanese SAKE & WINE Lovers.
"忙しい人のための日本酒基礎講座 "は、飲食店や酒屋、問屋など、日本酒のサービスや販売に関わる人を対象にしています。 もちろん、世界中の日本酒愛好家の皆さんにも。
私たちが目指したのは、コンパクトでありながら質の高い、短時間で学べる日本酒教育コンテンツです。 全25話は、日本酒に関するシンプルでわかりやすい説明で構成されており、すべて5分以内程度の時間で構成されています。 説明的なイラストやエピソードが盛り込まれており、より好奇心を刺激します。
日本酒の知識テストも行っていますので、ぜひチャレンジしてみてください。80点以上取れれば合格となり、1ヶ月以内に修了証をメールに添付してお送りします。 ビデオを見て日本酒の知識を身につけてからテストを受けてください。 日本酒の知識テストは、こちらのリンクからアクセスできます。