Hamiltonian Mechanics | Approaching Mechanics #3

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**We are aware that parts of this talk has missing audio and are working to fix it at the earliest**

Abstract: In this talk, we will explore the world of Hamiltonian mechanics from classical to quantum. We discuss Hamilton's Equations and the modified Hamilton's Principle. We look at the role of Poisson brackets as operations and also how the phase space is relevant in Hamiltonian mechanics. This intuitively leads to its important roles in physics- Liouville's Theorem, Virial Theorem and a bonus toy model to investigate, Edward Zwickys Dark Matter hypothesis.

Speakers: Pugazharasu A D and Rishi Kumar

#SahaStudentCircle​ #FridayPhysicsTalks​ #ClassicalMechanics​ #HamiltonianMechanics
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