Are the yips really the greatest threat to a golfer?

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Feared and dismissed in equal proportion, the yips were once endowed with an almost mythical status. Previously an ailment exclusive to golfers, in recent years participants from sports as varied as snooker and basketball have been diagnosed with the condition. While the cause is still hotly debated there's no doubting its existence and the term is so regularly used that it often gets erroneously ascribed. So what exactly are the yips? And are they really to be feared?
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Had to turn off after your man said Tommy "Ar moor"


as golfer when young to old.. sometime after few year of rest.. it can happen.. one is you muscle relex when you do't want to and sometime you over exshust and hard on yourselves... it part mind and body... golf do teach you.. it part of control and mind.. and accpet and do be angry about it...


What a well crafted waste of time. Thanks for nothing!
-yips suffering tennis player
