Chapter 9 | Deflection of Beams | Mechanics of Materials 7 Edition | Beer, Johnston, DeWolf, Mazurek

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Chapter 9: Deflection of Beams
Textbook: Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition, by Ferdinand Beer, E. Johnston, John DeWolf and David Mazurek
Lecture by: Dr. Atta ur Rehman Shah

1. Deformation of a Beam Under Transverse Loading
2. Equation of the Elastic Curve
3. Direct Determination of the Elastic Curve From the Load Distribution
4. Statically Indeterminate Beams
5. Method of Superposition
6. Application of Superposition to Statically Indeterminate Beams
7. Singularity Functions to Determine Slope and Deflection
8. Moment-Area Theorems
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