Ukraine launches new ATACMS missile attack on Crimean airbase I Ukraine: The Latest, Podcast

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Day 885

Today, we bring you the latest news as Ukrainian troops weather further attacks across the front, Ukrainian claims an Atacms strike on an airbase in occupied Crimea and we examine how Ukraine is decentralising its energy infrastructure in the wake of punishing Russia strikes.


David Knowles (Journalist). @djknowles22 on X.

Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

JamesRothwell (Berlin Correspondent). @JamesERothwell on X.

Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (Former British Army Tank Commander). @HamishDBG on X

With thanks to Andrea Januta (Kyiv-based reporter for the Kyiv Independent). @andreajanuta on X.

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Articles Referenced:

Fake Games, cyber threats and disinformation: Russia reacts to sporting isolation (The Financial Times)

Michelin Red Star: The Insider reveals identity of arrested Russian chef-agent who planned “destabilizing” acts at Paris Olympic Games (The Insider):

PASSING THE BUCK: The Economics of Localizing Aid in Ukraine:

Francis's interview with Brock Bierman (towards the end) of Ukraine Focus about the challenges of Ukraine's society structure for effective resource-sharing:

Ukraine’s energy crisis drives power decentralization

Рекомендации по теме

always interesting carry on the good work


In Bulgaria ( coincidently ofc) -large exploation in a fireworks store. Very strong suspicion of sabotage .


Lmao @ Francis "its almost as if someone had clocked off for a vodka break." One of the patients I worked with told me "I really appreciate your humor, sometimes it seems very much like a classic dry british humor (im american). I have to credit listening to Ukraine: The latest every day for that


Can we get my guy Francis a promotion already


thanks guys for true news and support from UK! Greeting from Ukraine!


'Russian mischief' magically expands to fill the role of responsinility for any short-comings, incompetence or set backs that occur in Europe or the US. A mystical miasma that conveniently avoids potentially more embarressing explanations.


The Navajo people quietly claiming all of Eastern Rooskiya: 😅


I'm a fan of these podcasts but I am really disspointed in the integrity of The Telegraph. The flagrant disregard of abuse by bots on this channel just lacks professionalism. It shows a complete lack of care for listeners. I'm really dissapointed the Telegraph doesn't take some action and accountability. With so many nefarious actors trying to sabotage things what message does it send by The Telegraph specifically to just ignore any acts of sabotage on their own channel when it can be taken care of with the click of a button yet viewers are left dissapointed and annoyed instead.


Images released by the North American Aerospace Defence Command have confirmed that two H-6s and two Russian Tu-95s were intercepted and escorted by F-35, F-16 and Canadian F-18 fighters after the bombers entered Alaska’s Air Defence Identification Zone. While interceptions of Russian bombers in the area have been common, the introduction of Chinese bombers has the potential to place a new degree of pressure on local defences. The H-6 is the most widely used bomber class in the world with an estimated 270 in service. The H-6K variant is a heavily enhanced variant with new D-30 turbofan engined providing a much extended range, while modern composite materials, a glass cockpit and a modern sensor suite made it far more capable than prior variants. Newer variants introduced more recently include the H-6J, H-6M and H-6N.

Despite improvements to newer variants, the H-6 remains a much lighter aircraft than Russian and U.S. strategic bombers such as the Tu-95 or B-2, and is not optimised for intercontinental range operations. The significant expansion of the aerial refuelling fleet of YY-20 tankers, and the integration of longer ranged missiles including long range ballistic missiles, helps to mitigate this issue. Most significant, however, is the possibility that H-6 bombers could be based in Russia, even if temporarily to refuel, which would allow them to operate near Alaska without aerial refuelling. While Chinese and Russian joint air and naval operations have increased significantly over the past decade, the People's Liberation Army’s ability to contribute to joint bomber patrols is expected to be revolutionised near the end of the decade with the introduction of its first intercontinental range strategic bomber the H-20 stealth bomber.

Military Watch Magazine


I think it makes more sense to build electric generation in nearby countries and enhanced, robust distribution systems.
For short terms needs, natural gas is cheaper. But storage can make renewables practical. For example a hydronic heating/cooling system could have a large tank of water to store heat. Then electrical power supply doesn't need to be continuous.


Dotted line from the French far left and Iran back to Russia.


It looks like the Ukrainians are driving the Russians out of Crimea and into Kherson 😀


Thanks Telegraph. Intro may be too long for YT audiences btw. Liked!


Russia advancing across he battlefield, Ukrainian army braking


Wow, what a terribly biased narrative by your crew! It would be great to have a neutral stance instead of the personal view of a poorly educated oik who says "ath-a-lete".


To be fair been many wars not many nations blocked why is that?


Putin ate my homework!
I offer as much evidence as do those blaming Russia for the rail attacks in France.


Excellent program, but please drop the silly intro


With some luck in diplomacy, the terms recently set forth by Russia might still be on the table.


my grandpapy used to say-one can not leave a pile of wolth-some one well steal it legaly or illigaly
