The Consequences of a 50+ Day Water Fast, Explained.

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After my 40-day water fast my biggest negative was buying new clothes that fit me. Never had any loss of consciousness.


I am following my version of the Buchinger Whilhemi Clinic protocol: fasting with broth (under 250 calories keeps the body in ketosis). I am in month three; lost 40 pounds (have 40 or more to go). I will re-feed when it seems the time is right. Until then, I feel good, got bloodwork done. Take a few supplements. Sleep pretty good. Mood is more stable. Cognition clearer. Fewer headaches. Walking and mild movement workouts.


Appreciate seeing real case studies like this rather than theoretical stuff some other Tubers put out there. Thanks for this.


I want to share, I'm 25yo, I have been an alcoholic probably since I was 20, I was very fit before my 20's I new fasting already at that time, I am 6ft and I was like 180punds, overdrinking left me with quite a few problems mentally and physically (relationship and financially wise I think are way worst lmao) I'm almost 300punds now, I now finally decided to quit al0cohol and I am about to hit 30days sober, I've always though of myself as a pretty smart guy, and I always want to improve my life, so now that I decided to quit alcohol, I need my health, confidence and sharpness of thinking back, because I need to make money and fix this 5 years I wasted.
So as of today AGU/16/2023 I am going to fast, the plan is 30days just water and salt, after that I don't know, If I remember I will be back to this video with an update in 4 months to let you know how I did. wish me luck.


True story, I did my first water fast in 2019 and it knocked the arthritis out of my knee that I had, had for 2 1/2 years prior. It never came back, even when I gain the weight back. So it wasn’t just losing weight and taking pressure off the joint, it was because of the fast itself.


I did a 7 days fasting while I was doing school run. I was cooking breakfast for my kid, what I did to minimise the temptation from the smells of whatever I was cooking. I put Vicks ointment in my nose. It worked like magic. But in saying that. I had prepared myself and I guess I developed a Mental fortitude.


I did water fasting also 50+ days many years ago. Everything he said is 100% true. Was lightheaded at times (if I was too sedentary) and had to get up slowly. So many pros that actually didnt want to stop it except that I didnt want to become skinnyfat, plus hunger started reappering. Continued to loose weight after refeading. Also went on Omad afterwards with fasted training (inspired by LeanGains), the results where better than steroids. Also competing in things like running or ball sports was super easy due to unlimited energy. One downside was I still had gynocemastia which had to be removed surgically.


The trick is to start the fast on a ketogenic diet. It makes the transition from feeding to not feeding SO MUCH EASIER.


super inspiring I'm on day 2 of my first 21 day water fast this was inspiring. Thanks for posting


I did a 10 day water fasting but I didn’t pass out at all. It’s true the third day is the worst experience as my mind was doing everything into tricking me to give up my water fasting but I managed to pass that. Neither did I experience yellowing in my eyes dizziness. In fact the hardest part for me was how to break the fasting.


Just finished watching all 3 videos. The best I've seen on YouTube about water fasting!


I really enjoy the way you talk, its really calming.


I finished a 3 day fast a month ago. Going for 7 to 10 and started today.. I have a wieght target i want to reach. I find it easier to just stop eating rather than dieting.


yeah electrolytes are sooo important, the times i fasted for only 3 days i couldn’t even walk. When I started taking Himalayan salt water for electrolytes it took that away the only thing is you have to do it every day and be consistent


I'm on day 10 of my water fast. I feel great. Ive not suffered any effects. Been taking sea salt 3-4 times a day. My eyesight has really improved to the extent that I may be able to ditch them at the end. Happy fasting


Thanks for this these videos. There are very few on long fasts. I'm 12 days into a 75 day fast. I got my blood work done on day 8, and will get it done a few more times as I go. Everything was in the normal range except my liver markers are slightly high. I had a surgeon look at it and he said it looks fine. My glucose was 73. Doctors really don't know what to do or say about a long fast. I'm the only person they will ever see do one, probably, in their entire career. Ron looks and sounds like he feels great! It's fantastic for him.


I KNEW it was going to be electrolyte deficiency being the main thing. That is what it always is ! I went on a 40 day fast and had to stop at day 17 due to all KINDS of problems. Now I have a good electrolyte mix to use I'm gonna give it another go.


Morning: warm glass of lemon juice/apple cider vinager/tea spoon of salt all mixed.
Afternoon: same thing as morning but throughout the day you can drink coffee (no creamer obviously) and other zero calorie drinks.
The apple cider vinegar helps with hunger, and the salt keeps the headaches away. You will lose 1-1.5 lbs a day by consuming zero calories, you don't need to just drink water. You don't have to torture yourself. I've done this a bunch of times I'm on day 6 again. If I feel like I am going to break I will literally chew food up and spit it out just so I remember what it tastes like. It doesn't matter what anyone says. This is your goal who cares what you have to do to make it happen.


For those wondering, the 7 day issue from getting up too quickly is called Orthostatic Hypotension. There are varying degrees of it. Sometimes it will be a bit off balance and light headed, others times it will be that and some partial temporary vision loss and in the more extreme version a complete blackout for several seconds and or loss of consciousness. What makes this particular dangerous is if one falls down and hits their head or something. I'd also like to add that this is not unique to fasting - Many endurance athletes get his all the time and just learn to live with it. No one is quite sure entirely what it is except low blood pressure when changing positions (laying down going to a stand). I myself have this happen, but usually only 1) when in a caloric deficit and 2) low on glycogen stores (aka, carb cutting) - salt can impact this, but merely as a by-product in that is brings up blood pressure indirectly. I firmly believe the issue manifests itself when the body knows there is a energy deficit (whether it be too much energy output (aka too much exercise), or not enough input (not enough calories) or a combination of the two). I also think this is more apt to happen on a low carb diet, at least until once has transitioned to running on ketones efficiently. Not an advocate of any diet here, just sharing my experiences and research with this particular issue. I have not had an episode of this since I cut out most chronic cardio and introduced a moderate amount of carbs back into my diet. I resistance train 4x a week and still do some walking, but I no longer run or train cardio structurally anymore. The result has been a lot more NEAT energy (I feel like doing things now, instead of laying on the couch all day because a 45 minute cardio session sapped my energy). Anyhow, best of luck to all.


Starting my fast tomorrow, aiming for 50 days. I’ll be taking iodized table salt and no-salt dissolved in water and magnesium citrate tablets in multiple servings across the day to meet my daily electrolytes requirement. Will give updates.
