Voltage and Current Baluns

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#204 In this video I continue looking at baluns by exploring what exactly makes the current balun different from the voltage balun. Both are commonly used, and both have similar end proprieties - they link a balanced signal to an unbalanced one, but what exactly makes them different?

Balun series:

Further reading:

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Just want tho thank and praise you for the excellent videos. I am a retired EE, and your videos provide welcome refreshing of my 50 years past education. These past two videos in particular have FINALLY impressed upon me the difference and use of Voltage versus Current Baluns - So Thanks!


In amateur radio circles, the operation of baluns is often hand-waved other, so for somebody such as myself who needs to know how something REALLY works to understand it... This video is helping a lot :-D


this is the first presentation of the differences between the balun types that has made sense to me - thanks for your excellent videos.


Great video Fesz. I haven't had to use baluns much before, but expect that to change now I've picked up the Han radio bug.
Thank you.


great video, and thank you for providing a source for further reading.


I think it is more usual to have pure differential load, without RC grounding in the middle. I am looking forward to the next episodes.


Excellent video. I always find the topic of transmission line transformers very interesting. When one first looks at them one is tempted to think 'how can they work?' because there is no magnetic field outside of a coax line. However, that is only when the currents are balanced, when getting to be balanced there is a field! I've read a books by Jerry Sevick and articles by Chris Trask, and made a dozen or so twisted pair transformers myself, but your perspective on this (one that I respect) would also be very interesting.


Thanks for good presentation.
@7:47 I do not undersand why you connected single ended Voltage Source to Voltage Balun?!


In your first computer simulation, you have a 50 ohm source feeding a 100 ohm resistor in series with a 100 ohm resistor in parallel with a 1 ohm/1uF to ground. Where did you come up with this model for the simulation? Where's the necessary inductance? Is it already cancelled out? How do you reconcile this model with the antenna circuit definition of R+jX? How do you unbalance a resistor in series with an inductor and capacitor? You are familiar with R+jX, right?


Can you make an detailed video on Ethernet transformer/Magnetics including CMC and Measuring it on oscilloscope. Please


what frequency do things start to work?
