LED chaser with 32 effects |led patterns with Arduino | Code in Discription

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#Arduinoproject #LEDchaser #sequentialLED
32 light patterns, 13 LED bulbs, 1 program 1 Arduino board.
If you want to make it at home just do step by step and fallow my video and never give up.

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Programming code:- Arduino :-

My Other videos :-
1 . LED chaser with 32 effects |led patterns with Arduino | Code in Discription.

2. How To Make Automatic Touch Less Non Contact Water Tap At Home/office.

3. How to make relay module at home.

4. Automatic On Off Light Switch \ Motion Sensor Light \ Save Energy\PIR.

5. How To Make automatic switch off unit Device At Home.

6. How To Make Automatic Touch Less Non Contact Hand Sanitizer / Soap Dispenser At Home.

7. How to make best car reverse parking alert system using arduino / DIY / arduino projects

Music Credit: NCS

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how to,Arduino Uno,Arduino,Arduino Uno CAT,Arduino Uno projects,Arduino Uno projects CAT,Led,Led Chaser,Led Chaser CAT,Led Chaser Using Arduino,Led Chaser Using Arduino Uno CAT,12 Effect Led,12 Effect Led Chaser,12 Effect Led Chaser Using Arduino Uno CAT,12 Effect Led Chaser Using Arduino,12 Effect Led Chaser Using Arduino Uno R3
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Рекомендации по теме

Finally I built this project today, It's so awesome, Thank you for sharing


Vara level bro
I got out put
Thank you


1.Could I give the output singnal to LED 1w or 2 w series bulb jhalars with AC loads.?
2. Could I use all the 13 output pins of Auno?


The code works...

_after a few hours..._


If something goes wrong does the ardiuno will get burn???


Can used esp8266 and web server controler sir?


you can simplify this code using for loop


Hey, hello. Can you make this program using two buttons to change the LED movement mode manually and the other button to change the movement automatically?


Negative led breadboard ke postive& negative me tell pz


Good job Add delay time control with potentiometer


This is a great tutorial but the music is really fucked up


Ye code ardiuno nano me bhi work karega na....


can i keep more gaps between LED bulbs?


Very nice work! I have a question, can you run the same pattern for 2 different groups of (8 leds each group) same time with 1 ardruino board, please?


well done for your work and your channel. Is it possible to add a potentiometer to slow down the effects? how do you do it? Eric from France.👍👍👍


Great video.Thank you. The noise in the background = bad


Bro. I compiled code through phone.but it shows error."the written code is not zero" like this showing.. how to solve it


Bro I am a beginner of Arduino please tell me we can use this code to program in Android please tell me


mediafire share file is not working do you have any other file sharing to see code


good project, but dislike for the unnecessary gap in the discription.
