Потрясающая, волшебная песня-молитва Богородице! Церковный хор! (О Всепетая Дево Вечная; субтитры)

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Церковный хор - мужское трио Спасо-Евфимиева монастыря в Суздале исполняет акапелла произведение-молитву "О Всепетая Дево Вечная" на музыку Григория Григорьева и слова Николая Сербского. Потрясающее, волшебное исполнение, от которого улетаешь куда-то далеко-далеко, растворяешься в этом волшебном звучании, которое своим многоголосием обволакивает тебя со всех сторон. Поют в Преображенском соборе, в котором сохранилось множество уникальных фресок конца 17 века. Записано 05 ноября 2023 года. Руководитель хора Антон Пахомов (на видео слева).
The church choir of Spaso-Evfimiy's monastery of Russian Orthodox Church, the men's trio sings a prayer to the Virgin Mary acapella in Suzdal town. Music by Grigoriy Grigoriev and lyrics by Nikolaj Velimirović. This performance is amazing and wonderful, it leads you to fly somewhere far away, to dissolve in this fairy sound, which wraps you from every side by its polyphony. They sing in the Preobrazhenskiy cathedral, which do still have a lot of unique frescoes created in the end of 17th century. Video from 05 Nov, 2023. Choir Director is Anton Pakhomov (on the left).
The church choir of Spaso-Evfimiy's monastery of Russian Orthodox Church, the men's trio sings a prayer to the Virgin Mary acapella in Suzdal town. Music by Grigoriy Grigoriev and lyrics by Nikolaj Velimirović. This performance is amazing and wonderful, it leads you to fly somewhere far away, to dissolve in this fairy sound, which wraps you from every side by its polyphony. They sing in the Preobrazhenskiy cathedral, which do still have a lot of unique frescoes created in the end of 17th century. Video from 05 Nov, 2023. Choir Director is Anton Pakhomov (on the left).