Java Tutorial - 43 | Multithreading - 3 | Synchronization | Sinhala

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Java Tutorial - 43 | Multithreading - 3 | Synchronization | Sinhala

Synchronization is the capability to allow a shared resource to be accessed by only one thread at a time.

Here we’ll study a problem that can occur in multi-threading due to multiple threads using the same resource. The resource may be a file, printer, network connection, or any data object. So, due to the concurrency problem, it will produce unforeseen results.

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Рекомендации по теме

thread use karanne method kipayak ekapara run karagannanan. Synchonization use karanne ekak sampurnen iwara karala ilaga method ekata yanna nan. eka method ekak sampurnen iwara karala ilaga method walata yannanan one, kelinma thradwath synchonization wath use nokara kelinma samannya vidiyata karaganna berida? gon prashnayak wenna ethi, 😬 eeth mata eka thren ne. Ai lesiyen karanna puluwan de amaruwen karanne
