Java Tutorial - 43 | Multithreading - 3 | Synchronization | Sinhala

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Java Tutorial - 43 | Multithreading - 3 | Synchronization | Sinhala
Synchronization is the capability to allow a shared resource to be accessed by only one thread at a time.
Here we’ll study a problem that can occur in multi-threading due to multiple threads using the same resource. The resource may be a file, printer, network connection, or any data object. So, due to the concurrency problem, it will produce unforeseen results.
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Synchronization is the capability to allow a shared resource to be accessed by only one thread at a time.
Here we’ll study a problem that can occur in multi-threading due to multiple threads using the same resource. The resource may be a file, printer, network connection, or any data object. So, due to the concurrency problem, it will produce unforeseen results.
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