Did NASA Find Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life?

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Jaws dropped when alien-like creatures were presented to Mexico's congress by a self-proclaimed UFO expert as proof that aliens visited Earth. Supposedly, they were found in Peru in 2017. Now, the presentation is being met with international ridicule. Meanwhile, NASA held a news conference saying, after decades of speculation, its 16-member panel of experts concluded it did not find any evidence of extraterrestrial life.
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Man, they didn't even try to make them not look fake lol


I believe in extraterrestrial life being somewhere out there, the universe is so big that it's very possible there's some life out there, but whether or not that life would be smart enough and have the number of resources to create technology to come all this way and alive at that is another question that the possibility would be nearly impossible. If they did manage to get here, they'd probably come here dead because they started their travel many unknown amount of earth years ago and whatever happened to their planet and how much they evolved since then would be unknown. And if they did get here alive somehow, then their life is at risk by the government.


I agree with that last guy: "Is it possible somewhere in the vast universe? Yes. Have we seen it here on Earth? No."


It's very important to look for intelligent life in outer space as there's none on earth.


The sheer improbability that humanoids ever evolved means that, if any extraterrestrials did exist they would likely not be humanoid.


It's sad because even though they're being called out as fake, we will truly never know because even if they're real, they'll cover it up by claiming it's fake!


I'm sick and tired of the Alien topic when the government is just gonna lie about it.


Even if they find something, they will never tell us..


I believe there might be some other life out there in the universe. There is millions of solar systems out there, and if some of em is close to our solar system, i think it will be a chance of being life on some planets.


Bruh no way we found stereotypical aliens 👽 so fake


As someone who believes in zoo theory and the rational limits of actually communicating over the vast distance of interstellar space, the chances of us finding alien life would be slim to none until we leave our own solar system and go to explore the local cluster at least.

The universe supposedly doesn’t end at the observable limits of it, so theoretically, the universe could be infinite (a concept that humans have a hard time grasping sometimes)

Until we turn over every rock, visit every world, visit every star system, we can not thusly and justly prove or disapprove the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Many possibilities exist…

1) alien life did exist, but through wars, resource depletion, or extinction level events, they have all died out.

2) aliens have visited earth in the distant past and found nothing of interest. Maybe they visited during the Pre-Cambrian period, or during the time of the dinosaurs, found no intelligent life and wrote off our world. Maybe they never thought that 65 million years later we would come around. Even if they did, could they even still be around 65 million years later? Have they evolved to transcend our very understanding of life as we know it, maybe freed themselves from physical instrumentality and no long need to leave their home world?

3) aliens know the risks involved with a poorly conducted first contact scenario and, while knowing of us, choose to isolate themselves from us and observe keenly and closely human events, evolution, behavior and such, until such a time where they deem us as worthy to make first contact with. (Pretty much zoo theory in a nutshell).

4) The distances between parts of the universe with alien life is so vast that traditional communication is no longer valid. Maybe aliens have evolved methods of communication that surpass anything we currently use. Maybe we sent a radio transmission to space and by the time it reached their home world, they progressed beyond the need for radio technology and would thus no longer be monitoring such a frequency. Or maybe when it got there, their world might be dead or long since abandoned as they left their cradle for the stars.

5) it may simply not be possible to go faster than the speed of light and thus, long distance travel beyond the near local cluster is impossible in reasonable time frames.

Whatever the case, this question of the Fermi paradox and the ambiguous Drake Equation have fascinated mankind enough for us to not give up hope and continue to monitor the heavens, both marveling and fearing the might and majesty of the universe, while waiting for someone to pick up the phone and answer. If that day shall come to pass, god only knows what events might happen and how the course of history might change.

Until then, we wait…we watch…we wonder…we believe.


It took me 7 years, but I have finally learnt to hold the guitar


Man…. My local Halloween store sells the same figures!!!😂


This same body has been debunked 2 years ago by the YouTube channel Scientists Against Myths.


naw, don’t tell me they look like someone on crack 💀


People“Where did the money go tell us “
The Government “look it’s an Alien!”


But it was not NASA
Why mention NASA


The aliens look like they were turned into concrete lol


Bill Watterson - “Sometimes I think that the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”


They've never found life on any of the planets even in our own solar system, but yet they found little paper mache aliens here on earth makes no sense.
