Being a Cop, Pros and Cons | Top 5

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Being a cop, pros and cons! I could make a video of many more things, but that would one hour long, at least!



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I didn’t know Steve O became a cop. Congratulations on your new career path sir


I one million percent believe police work is a calling, and you’re either cut out for it or you’re not. I was called, I served, and now I’m enjoying the benefits of retirement at a young age. I’ve seen many tragedies in my career, but the memories that haunt the most are those of children that died way too young. Those were the toughest scenes for me to work. Maintaining a positive mindset, and my spiritual faith has kept me somewhat sane. Great video, I subscribed.


Neither a rookie or a veteran, just a student of police psychology. Loving the content! Very insightful.


I retired in ‘97 w/30 yrs on the job, survived a gunfight w/armed robbery suspects and am happily retired now.


As an army veteran in a combat mos, I thought about going the police department, but I refuse to go back to the old days of getting no sleep, the long days, etc.


I recently became a licensed officer. What are something a rookie might avoid and are important.


7 year Army Vet with combat experience and I'm beginning the process to become a firefighter but I have always thought about becoming a cop too. It's crazy that you can be 31 and still be unsure about what you wanna do.


Returned home from the military and I am very set on becoming an LEO. Botched the interview at my first choice but I took it as a lesson learned. Continuing to apply at another department.


Im not law enforcement. But I am glad you guys exist. I couldn't do it myself. Thanks for all you do. Trust me you guys still have tons of civilian support even though it probably doesn't seem like it.


You mentioned it here but I can't stress enough is to learn something else while you are an LEO! Don't count on your cop skills to find a job that pays as well or even better than Law Enforcement. Find something that pays well, is recession proof, and a school that is flexible with your schedule if you can. I didn't know what I know now and regret not learning another high paying skill after my career was over. Don't make the same mistake!


Excellent video with solid points! Sorry that you are taking a leave of absence ….but understandable if you are moving. Keep us updated and best of luck moving!
Are you relocating to another state?
I left Cali for Naples, Florida and I’m much happier here!


great video. im still only 15 but helping people has always been something that I've done. i always wanted to sacrifice myself and my well being for others and i feel like being a cop will help me do that even more


Great Video Content and i Appreicate You and Your Fellow Police Officers for Your Services and Protection and not a Police officer but i Admire The Police Officers ❤


I worked in Corrections and hated every second of it. I didn't even last 3 months before I quit. I wanted to be a police officer but kept failing the written exam.

I moved to a bigger city where a written exam isn't an entry level test. I think I have the real possibility of making it now.

Problem is, I'm scared. Not of failing but of making it and hating it. I want so bad to love the job I'm terrified that if I hate it I officially wont know what to do anymore.

I know that sounds whiny, but I just don't want my life to be consumed by a bad department and screw with my family life.


You seem like a real cool guy. I'd definitely drink a beer or a coke zero with you, maybe I'd cook some burgers too! Keep on rocking, human society worldwide needs people like you, Sir!


As someone interested in pursuing law enforcement I just finished my bachelors degree and cna license and have 3 kids; what was something that made you want to join if I may ask? And if you reply I appreciate you greatly


Being 21 and about to be a father, I am considering becoming a cop thanks for the informational video


Thank you for the information i am thinking of joining law enforcement i am 17 the department i would like to join is the National Park Service as a Law Enforcement Ranger! and your Videos have been helping!


I’ve always wanted to be an officer as a kid. But rn I’m in school, second year(sophomore)to become an accountant. Have two years left until my degree. But I’ve idk how I’ll handle doing the same at a desk. But the job security as an accountant is very appealing. My PD in my town is hiring here in TX(small town). Starting pay is $58K without any prior experience. Done research on being a PO and it does sound appealing just not sure, primarily due to currently being in school. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


I am 51 and I really want to be a police officer. I have been an engineer all my life and I have brought up 3 kids. Now I want to do something I wanted all my life. How do I go about it?
