Sexy After 60? Is it About How You Look on the Outside? Or How You Feel on the Inside?

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Sexy After 60? Is it About How You Look on the Outside? Or How You Feel on the Inside?

"Sexy" and "60" might not be two words that you would usually expect to see together, but, I ask you, why not? Of course, none of us expect to look at sexy, in a traditional sense, as we did in our 20s. At the same time, this doesn't mean that we can't create our own, fresh, definition of sexiness... one that is relevant for people of all ages!

Today, I hope you will join me in a fun, yet important, discussion of what it means to be sexy after 60. Is being sexy a matter of how you look on the outside? Or is it more a question of how you feel on the inside? Let's have a chat!



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Great video. - I am 59 and home full-time with a disability (MS) but I have a very full life. The MS has been manageable to some extent and I am diligent about my 3x a week injection. One challenge for me right now, although it might sound silly, is going to the grocery for fresh produce. My husband WAS shopping but he is swamped now. He is a postal worker. The amount of packages now going through daily is overwhelming. He can not possibly continue doing what he was for the home anymore. Plus, I enjoy grocery shopping for the produce. I am nervous because if feels so complicated. I go shopping while wearing my mask (suffocating), and my glasses ( fog up), while trying not to get confused (MS cognitive issues) while following the arrows (Adult ADD), not touching my nose or eyes (allergies), holding my list and pen(MS/numb hands) ...
Etc etc etc. Lol!
HOWEVER- I try to focus on the fact that I am walking, able to buy food, in a safe environment, driving my own car, etc etc etc.
It is all relative, right?
For the rest of the day I will try not to feel feeble by taking your top 2 ideas: smiling and walking with purpose!!!


Like your chat Margaret, nice video! You look radiant. Wishing you all the best in this ever changing world❤️


Margaret, everything you discussed is SO relevant to us right now! I'm your same age, and, I must admit I've been feeling like a bit of a "pariah" where COVID is concerned. I feel like people are more reluctant to mingle with us, due to our being in the "high risk" group. I've always felt less relevant as I've matured; our society places an enormous premium on youth and beauty. No one seems to care about how much I have to offer in terms of wisdom from life experience, either, including my two adult children. I do keep up with things, too, so it's not as if I'm an ancient relic. I feel very young on the inside; however, we do become "invisible" at a certain point, sadly. But, I'm hanging in there and enjoying the nice weather, even if I can't go everywhere I'd like to. The purple looks just lovely on you, BTW! Thank you for yet another great topic..stay safe and well. :-) Rosemarie xo


Thank you for this video! I share your enthusiasm for life and all the opportunities to learn and grow. There is no reason to be bored or feel old. Use it or lose it, as the saying


Margaret, your videos make me happy. I love listening to your voice, and your enthusiasm is contagious ❣️😁


Thank you Margaret, your radiant attitude and beauty is so inspiring. I smiled when you put "smile" as your #1. Many years ago when I was walking to work in downtown Boston I had a few construction workers say to me "smile". They weren't being wise or fresh and made me realize I have the type of face that shows emotion, and indeed is better with a smile. Also thank you ladies for all your comments. We need each other, now more than ever. As far as my skin routine, I'm a bad girl and I know I just don't drink enough water, I start off the day with at least 3 glasses but then it goes downhill. I know it and I don't do it, what sense does that make? Sometimes I remember and start drinking later in the day and you know what happens then ladies, forget a full night's sleep! I do notice that when I use a skin care regimen regularly, and products not even as important, it makes a difference. I use Mary Kay, drug store products. I have sensitive skin when it comes to exfoliating and thanks to my other YouTube favorite Nikol I now tried Ever and works wonderful. I have to check out SeeMeBeauty. Wherever you are, be safe, stay healthy and joyful. With gratitude, Ilona (not my real name - was my grandmother's and I was to be named after her but in '49 after communists took over Romania when Dad went to register my name, he forgot, so now I'm using it here, God rest his soul).


Look forward to all your fun informative and relevant videos.
Been binge watching Sixty and Me. During lockdown besides learning to play the guitar learnt new techniques in applying makeup and more adept in my 60's than 30's!
Still feel sexy in my 60's!
Thank u Margaret


Margaret your videos are so uplifting. I turned my almost 61 year old sister onto sixty and me. Looking very summery in your purple floral dress and love the headband on you


Love ya at the moment is so watching you 🌹


It's all about our thoughts about ourselves. Your thoughts create your feelings - if your not feeling sexy it's because you are having negative thoughts about yourself. Feeling sexy is not about how others see you. Be aware of how often you have negative thoughts about yourself - that will have an impact on how you feel. Be both curious and interesting.


Always informative and refreshing take on aging.


You look so beautiful. Great information.


-Margaret, I want you to know, your age doesn't matter, you look very, very nice/good! Some women, no matter what they do are not going to look sexy, but they can look very nice & put together.


BTW realise how important smiling is and notice most people don't smile enough.
Definitely attracts positive vibes which in turn leads to conversation etc.
Smile and the world smiles with u!


Always great to hear your views
Ur a v positive person n its a joy to listen to u...age is just a no.


So beautiful🕊 thanks for the inspiration....


Great video Margaret . Follow bloggers whether it be travel/ lifestyle / cooking. It keeps us curious and up with what’s happening today connecting us also with the younger generation. X
