How to build a culture of preparation in your worship team - Worship Leader Wednesday

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In this video, Brian and Brian share tips on how to develop a culture of preparation in your worship team. Below are some links to resources we mentioned in the video.

Great resources for your team:


Our vision is that every church in the world would experience worship that is both excellent and authentic. We are here to help you make that happen.

CURRENT GEAR (this is the stuff I currently use to create videos)



The Sun :)

Acoustic Guitars:

Electric Guitars:
MJT Thinline Telecaster
MJT Strat
Home-made parts-casters


Bass Guitar:

Recording Interface:


Software & Virtual Instruments
Recording software: Apple Logic Pro X
Video editing software: Adobe Premiere CC
Video editing - color correction: Davinci Resolve


Рекомендации по теме

Thanks guys. you do a great job in the body of Christ to equip the worship leaders. May God be with you in all.


Hey guys, I just want to say that the quality of this channel has skyrocketed lately. Super encouraged by everything you all are doing here.


Excellent! Excellent! EXCELLENT! I wish I could explain this to my church!!!!


This was so eye opening for me. Thank you so much for this video!!!


Love your Supernatural concept for preparation, spiritual connection before just the natural connection... Yeah!


I started up my planning center account like a week or two ago. Also got to help with Will Tompkins on audio yesterday


You guys are awesome! Thank you for more great advice!


Have you ever had a violin on your team?
I just started out playing in our church band and love doing it! I would love to hear you talk about that if you've had experience with that.
And also I love your videos! So full of wisdom and encouragement! The way you are excited about worship and God is so beautiful and it really is contagious :D
Thank You for letting God work through you in that way! Be blessed


Great stuff! One added question related to your last points.
What would you guys say should be done about a complacent worship team? Some more background: this worship team has been together for years (like, almost 10), and a very low standard has been accepted for most of those years. Singers coming in without having listened to the music, instrumentalists confused about the tempo of the song they've known for years, etc.
It would be great to come in and have those expectations that everyone will play and sing to the best of their ability, but with 10 years of very low expectations, it could come across as demeaning and arrogant. Any advice?
I love the channel guys, thanks so much for your videos!!


You should really do a music tutorial on He waits for me by Consumed By Fire, but to where the guy finger picks it or whatever to where it sounds cool. That would be a real blessing because I can't get it down and I'm not talking about where you strum the song. I'm talking about the guy who makes the song sound great, basically. But if you really could it would be a true blessing and miracle.


The quality of the printed "charts" makes a big difference. In particular, the paper chart should show clearly the structure of the tune from beginning to end, preferably on a single page. So much of rehearsal time is spent responding to lack of clarity in the song arrangement. And then, keys of tunes are an ongoing time waster. If you can get your musicians to know and play the Nashville or jazz number system for chord changes, that will be huge. A librarian on the team is a good thing. Musicians must walk in holding / knowing the key and the arrangement structure.


What are some tips for memorizing songs?


You have great videos covering great topics! Great insights which are relevant for todays church and biblically sound.

I have one suggestion that I've been thinking for a long time. Your over 10 minute videos are too long! I usually find myself skipping through the videos and not reaching the end of the video. Would be awesome if you made it concise. God bless,


This was awesome and insightful, thank you. Can I just ask one question. What if you have some members of your team that want to make it for rehearsal but are unable to make it? But they want to sing on Sunday with you


I'm new to your channel and I know it's a little off topic, but would you consider posting a video with your team's thoughts on approaching gear acquisition as worship guitarists? I think us working guitarists often face a delicate balance when considering what's sufficient versus "nice to have". I'm not always the biggest fan of seeing major church bands using $5, 000 custom guitars and PTP tube amps since it can setup, unintentionally, a perceived expectation that the average Joe guitarist will need $10K in gear to play like Elevation worship, Hillsong or Bethel. I think guitarists can get 90% of the way there with a blues junior or an AC15 and a Mexican strat or an epiphone. Would appreciate your thoughts! Grateful for your channel and ministry!


How far in advance do you pick songs for your Sunday services?


Why does fuller always look like he just woke up😌


Just saying: your title says cutlure instead of culture.


Let us sing one Song with each other In the Family of

Unnatural disasters happen seemingly every week. Train crashes, shootings, nuclear accidents; is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity? Very few of mankind's creations r designed 2 make u feel good, unless u get pleasure from seeing the human body desecrated by guns, explosions, fights, and any other things these so-called "artists" create. In the name of freedom, many have used art as a means 2 destroy the human mind.

As an excuse 2 continue we hear "Art reflects society". How many times has this lie been repeated: "creations r not real", they say and yet any one of these people can call 2 mind images and complete scenes of horror in graphic detail. They will carry these so-called "unreal" creations around with them 4 the rest of their lives. These images r now a part of their being. In the name of RECREATION these people in fact r re-creating themselves in their own images. SOCIETY THEN REFLECTS ART. In man's decision 2 further separate From God, his re-creation of himself leaves him in a dysfunctional state of confusion.

The mind becomes a burial ground 4 dead waste. Isolated from the wholeness of God, Earth and his fellow brothers and sisters, this man seeks solace in activities he thinks will stimulate his mind. He begins downloading in2 his brain a series of manmade creations designed 2 destroy it. All manmade creations originate from one of 2 sources: the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life. One of these trees contained deadly fruit, the other - Fruit of Everlasting Life. The one who disregards this fact recreates himself and his kind in2 extinction. U r reading these words on a machine created by man. As u read, u hear a voice speaking 2 u the words that u perceive. They make sense 2 u because u understand (stand under) the SPELLing. The words r what binds this SPELL 2 ur illusion. When u hear the Truth, like a memory - u recognize it and this recognition releases u from ALL illusion.

Many languages r brilliant in their attempt 2 CONfuse u. CON meaning: against, fuse meaning: 2gether. Words and their SPELLbinding illusions have the power 2 keep man separate From God. U were born in an all-knowing state of mind. The first words spoken 2 u begin the SPELL. The words come from one of 2 sources: the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life. In ignorance or simply lack of respect 4 God, many use words that CONfuse the minds of humans and turn them in2 projections of their own illusions.

Because of this fact, many people grow up and blindly assume their pre-selected role under a dictatorship without even being aware of it. When asked what they r doing here on earth, most will answer with statements that do not reflect their Natural God-Given Desires. This creates a pyramid-like structure with the dictator on top, and each level under it knowing less and less. Upon reaching the bottom level - which is where the majority is, u will find chaos, disorder, and illusion. With ILL as its prefix, ILLusion is a state of insanity. In the name of democracy, supreme power is vested un2 the people in this insane state instead Of God.

A future re-created, 2 b ruled by man, is one of isolation and despair. Returning the leadership back in 2 God Will allow mankind 2 achieve its original collective goal which is union With God. Ideas contrary 2 this goal should not b blamed or persecuted - just simply ignored. They originated when man first chose 2 ignore God's Rule. Simply put - in the beginning, the Human was made perfect In God's image. They had no need 4 knowledge. They were also given freedom of choice. The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life r reflections of this freedom.

The human is now a reflection of their choice. They could have simply chose not 2 Choose. God Being centrifugal in nature, freedom was the CAUSE and choice was the EFFECT. In knowing their perfection made in God's image, there was no need 2 choose. In fact, their were NO NEEDS.

There was only love in an all-knowing state b4 the fall. The worst thing u can do is give up ur God-given right 2 choose. 4 in it - u can choose not 2 choose. Therein is the final judgement. The illusion ceases and u awaken from ur dream.

Now the healing begins... With an all-knowing mind, made in God's Image u can create as ur Creator - God Intended. With love, honor and respect 4 every living thing in the universe. Separation ceases, and we all become One Being singing the One song. One song In The Family Of God. Praying God and Loving all…….


I think adding the religious argument is silly:

You are there to entertain in a Christian cover band. Don’t waste people’s time because time is not an guarantee in life.

If you can’t play the song because it’s too hard tell some one.

Singers actually practice the song not “I’ve heard the song or know it”

This is a job. You are serving, you can worship on your own time. When you play in the worship team your job is to break peoples hearts that allow them to prune themselves of the weight of this world.

In short, learn yo shit
