How to play Uno Attack Mega Hit
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After dealing and creating the discard pile, place the deck face down into the game launcher. During play, rotate the launcher so it always faces the player whose turn it is. If you can’t play, then you press the launcher button one time then end your turn. When you press the button on the launcher you will hear this sound… indicated it was pressed correctly. If no cards come out, then you end your turn, and the next player goes. If cards shoot out, then you gather the cards into your hand and your turn ends and the next player goes.
Discard All: allows you to discard all the cards of the current color to the discard pile. When you play this, first discard all the colored cards from your hand, then place the matching colored discard all card on top. If this card is the first card flipped at the beginning of the game, then no action is taken and it is treated as a normal card.
Hit 1 and hit 2: The next player in the current direction of play must press the launcher button 1 or 2 times as indicated by the card. Any cards that shoot out are put into that player’s hand. That player’s turn is then over and the next player goes. At the beginning of the game, if a hit card is the first card flipped, then the player to the left of the dealer must hit the launcher the correct number or times.
The wild attack-attack Card is a wild that may be played on any card. When you play this card you get to pick the color that resumes play. Then pick any other player and they must press the launcher twice. Play then resumes with the next player in the regular rotation.
Whenever someone plays a hit card or wild attack-attack card against you, you may play any hit or wild attack-attack card from your hand on top of it, turning it into a mega hit stack. You don’t press the launcher, instead the next player must either play a hit or wild attack-attack card; or they must press the launcher for every single card played in the stack all added together.
At the beginning of the game, if a wild attack-attack card is the first card flipped, then the player to the left of the dealer must hit the launcher the correct number or times or begin a mega hit stack.
Whenever you press the launcher multiple times, if any cards start shooting out of the launcher before you’ve finished pressing the launcher the required number of times, then you gather up the cards and forfeit the remaining hits and the next player goes.
After a mega hit stack has resolved, play continues with the next player in the current direction of play from the player who initially laid down the first hit or wild attack-attack card.
If you are penalized for not saying uno, you press the launcher twice. When the discard pile is large and looks like a full deck again. Shuffle all but the top card and reload the launcher. If any cards are ever left sticking out of the launcher after a player presses it, then the player who pressed it must also take these cards and add them to their hand.
If you chose not to play a card on your turn, then you hit the launcher once. If you make a suggestion to another player as what card they should play, then you must hit the launcher 4 times.
At the end of the game the points for the new cards are as follows:
Hit 1: 20 points
Discard all: 30 points
Hit 2: 40 points
Wild attack-attack: 50 points